Chapter 6

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Milas pov

It's the end of May, and Quinn and I have gotten used to parenthood. Sadly, none of our families have met the twins yet due to COVID, but the border is opening up again, and our parents, Lottie and Luke are coming over soon.

They've seen the twins over FaceTime and photos, but it's not the same as holding and seeing them in real life.

At the moment, Quinn is out at the shop while I'm at home with the twins. I just put them down to sleep when my phone rings, and I see it's a FaceTime from Quinn.

"Hey babe, what's up?" I ask, picking up the phone. "What diapers do the twins have again?" Quinn asks. "The diapers I use are Huggies," I reply with a little laugh. "Is that a home or something?" Quinn asks, shaking his head. "No, I asked Mom which diapers I should use, and she said Huggies. It has nothing to do with your nickname," I say, laughing and rolling my eyes.

"Are the twins still awake?" he asks with a little smile on his face. "Charlie's asleep, and little miss Lacy won't fall asleep," I say, showing Quinn how his daughter is still wide awake.

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"I'll be home soon, so I'll see you and the little beans soon," Quinn says before he hangs up

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"I'll be home soon, so I'll see you and the little beans soon," Quinn says before he hangs up. During the last couple of minutes of the FaceTime, Lacy falls asleep, so I go and lay her down in her crib.

True to his word, Quinn arrives home not long after. As soon as he steps through the door, he walks into the twins' nursery. "Hey there, sleepyheads," he whispers, leaning over the crib to look down at Charlie and Lacy.

"They just went down for their nap," I tell him from the doorway. Quinn smiles, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. "You're doing an amazing job, love."

Jack 🕺Why do the little children luke and Lottie get to meet the twins before me 😒

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Jack 🕺
Why do the little children luke and Lottie get to meet the twins before me 😒

Sam 🤠
I also have that question it's unfair 😔

Uh because luke is 16 and Lottie is 12 🤨

Quinn 🫄
And our parents are staying for a week and can't leave them alone at home

Sam 🤠
You guys are such parents 🙄

Jack 🕺
Luke is 16 he will be fine

Luke 🫎
I can see these thanks Jack

Sam 🤠
You're 17 in September you would be fine

Mila 🤰
This isn't my fault ask Ellan not me and Quinn 🙏

Also I feel bad Lottie isn't in this 🙃

Sam 🤠
Don't feel bad when she turns 13 she'll be added

Mila 🤰
I also don't want her to have to deal with you idiots

~~~ izzy ~~~
Let's pretend you could travel during covid 😀

Why is the moose emoji so wired

Also 700 reads YAY!

Also I feel like this book sucks but I love it. But also hate it 😭

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