Chapter 19

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Mila's POV

It's been a week since 'the incident,' as I am now calling it.

Quinn has come home, there is still tension in the air, but we are getting along now.

It had been 3 weeks since the fight that caused all this tension.

It's weird for me to think about us fighting and now saying we are getting along. It's like when Charlie and Lacy have a fight and I tell them they need to get along because they both have a built-in best friend.

Quinn was my built-in best friend.

He still is.

But we haven't been sharing a room; he still sleeps in the spare room.

But I want us to sleep side by side again.

I wanted to fall asleep and wake up in his arms.

I want it all to be the way it was before.

It's slowly going back to the way they were before the fight.

"Mommy look," Lacy yelled as she and Charlie ran into my room. "Morning, beans, what is it?" I asked, sitting up.

"Daddy come," Lacy yelled as she sat herself down on the bed, just as Quinn walked in holding a tray with French toast and fruits on it.

"You made me breakfast?" I said with a smile. "Daddy said," Charlie said with a smile.

As Quinn set the tray down on the bed, I looked up at him with a small smile. "You're such a kiss-ass."

"Only for you, Mils," he answered with a wink.

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After we had eaten breakfast, I got the twins lunch and backpacks ready while Quinn got them dressed

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After we had eaten breakfast, I got the twins lunch and backpacks ready while Quinn got them dressed.

"Okay beans, ready to go?" I asked as Quinn walked out with the twins, holding their hands.

"Yay, we go," Charlie said as I handed him his bag.

"Mommy, you coming?" Lacy asked as we all left the apartment together. We didn't normally all go together, but my car has been having problems, so Quinn's dropping us all off.

"Mommy and daddy will pick you up after preschool," I explained. "We know, mommy," Lacy said.

"You'll pick me up after, right?" I asked, looking at Quinn before getting out of the car.

"Yes, Mila, I'll pick you up," Quinn said with a small shake of his head.

"Okay, uh, bye, I love you," I said quickly, getting out of the truck before Quinn could respond.

As I sat down at my desk, I felt a sudden wave of dizziness come over me.

"Hey Miss Cooper, can I come in?" I looked up at the voice, seeing Chloe, one of the girls on the volleyball team, standing in my doorway.

"Oh yeah, you can. You can just call me Mila," I said with a smile, trying to ignore the dizziness.

"So what brings you here, Chloe?" I asked as she sat down. "My knee is just feeling a bit tight. I think I might have strained it last practice," she explained.

After that spell of dizziness, the waves kept coming, and I had no idea why.

Now it was around 2 pm, and I had gotten to the gym with only a little bit of dizziness.

So far, I hadn't felt too dizzy during practice, but as the team moved onto spiking, I suddenly felt lightheaded, and then it went black.

3rd person POV

Quinn's heart dropped as Coach called him over during practice. The worry escalated as Coach told Quinn that Mila had fainted and was being rushed to the hospital.

"Is she okay? What happened?" His mind raced with fear.

"All I've been told is she fainted during practice, and the ambulance is already on its way," Coach explained.

Without wasting a second, Quinn took off his gear, called Claire to ask her if she could pick up the twins before rushing to the hospital.

As Quinn ran into the waiting room, he went straight to the reception. "I'm here to see Mila Cooper," Quinn said in a rush.

"Are you a relative of the patient or a friend?" The receptionist asked. "Uh, I'm her boyfriend," Quinn said quickly.

"Okay, Mila Cooper is in room 203," the receptionist answered. "Thank you," Quinn said before he ran towards Mila's room.

When Quinn walked in, Mila was asleep. Quinn didn't know how to feel seeing her lying in a hospital bed.

Just as Quinn sat down, a doctor walked in. "What's wrong?" Quinn asked, wanting to know as soon as he could.

"She's stable now. It seems like she had a sudden drop in blood pressure, causing her to faint. When she's awake, we'll run some tests to understand what triggered it," the doctor explained, trying to reassure the brunette man.

Relief flooded through Quinn, but he couldn't shake off the fear lingering in the back of his mind. Why did her blood pressure all of a sudden drop?

The doctor had left, and Quinn sat by Mila's bed, waiting for her to wake up.

"Quinn," she whispered.

"Mils, how do you feel? Are you okay?" Quinn quickly asked.

"I'm okay. I just feel dizzy and tired," she whispered.

"Yeah, they said your blood pressure dropped. They'll come and run tests soon since you're awake," Quinn told her.

"I think I know why," Mila's voice was so quiet Quinn almost missed what she had said.

"What do you?" Quinn asked with worry on his face.

" ampregnant" Mila said in a jumble of words Quinn couldn't make out.

"Mila, you're going to have to slow down," Quinn answered, placing a hand on top of hers. "Don't get mad," she whispered.

"I won't," Quinn said with a reassuring smile.


This chapter isn't the best but oh well

I hope you guys will like next chapter 😋 oh and of course this on :)

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