Chapter 7

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Mila pov

Quinn and my family's arrived in Vancouver tomorrow at 6am tomorrow. We offered to pick them up but both family's had hired cars so we didn't have to worry about picking them up.

I had offered for them to stay at our apartment but,but when I was trying to finger out where everyone would sleep I realized the appointment was to small for 6 other people we only had one spear bed room and right now it had a lot of crap in it. So their staying at an Airbnb down the road.

"Ok our family's are coming over for lunch today and let's be honest their going to stay till dinner." I said slightly laughing.

Time skip

As I opened the door to our family a wide smile crossed my face o had missed not only mine but Quinn's family as well. "Hey guys come in" i said moving out of the door way so they could walk in.

"Oh sweetie it's so good to see you again" my mom said as she gave me a hug, "it is so good to see you Mila" Ellen also said as both mothers gave me a hug. Meanwhile the Dads were patting Quinn on the back and Luke and Lottie stood just watching waiting to say hello to us.

"Lottie come give me a hug" I said opening my arms to give my little sister a hug. "I missed you so much" I said as I squeezed my little sister.

After I said hello to the dads I tried to give Luke a hug but a Luke being the 16 year old boy he was didn't really want to give me or Quinn a hug.

"Ok well I would like to my grand baby's" Ellen said as my mom nodded in agreement.

"Oh look at them" my mom said as we handed our pretend a kid each. "Can they do anything yet?" Luke asked looking at Lacy in his moms arms. "They kind smile and make baby nosies" Quinn said with a proud smile on his face.

"Aw I wanna see them smile" Lottie said as our family's continued to gush over the twins. The rest of the day me our family's kept making the twins smile with they succeeded many times.

Luke tried to make the twins laugh and I kept telling him they hadn't laughed yet and probably won't for the next couple of months.

~~~ izzy ~~~
Short chapter sorry 🙌

But thank you so much for 1k readers like what!!!!

Also sorry for not updating I've been very busy but am trying to update more the next couple weeks

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