Chapter 23

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February 4th
3rd person

The day began with Quinn waking up the twins at 7 in the morning. "No daddy sleep" Lacy mumbled trying to go back to sleep. "Come on baby's mommy's gotta be in a good mood today we can make her breakfast" Quinn said, picking both twins up and taking them into  the kitchen.

You couldn't quite call the home made breakfast a success but it was edible.

"Mommy wake up" Charlie said as he ran in front of Quinn. Mila slowly sat up, still slightly groggy from sleep.

"Look mommy," Lacy said, pointing to Quinn who cares the breakfast into the room.

"Aw, you made me breakfast," mila said with a smile.

As the family ate, Mila leaned over to Quinn. "Did you do something bad?" She asked with a small smile.

"No, am I not allowed to spoil you?" Quinn asked, trying to hide the fact he was shitting himself scared something would go wrong.

After breakfast Mila and Quinn decided to take the twins to the aquarium since they had been begging to go.

"Mommy, look at that!" Charlie exclaimed, pressing his tiny hands against the glass of a massive tank.

Mila laughed, her heart warming  with joy at the sheer Fascination on her children's faces. "It's amazing, isn't it?" she replied, her eyes wandering around the tank.

Quinn watched them with a smile, his heart full. Seeing his family so happy and carefree brought a sense of peace.

As they explored the aquarium, Quinn couldn't help but steal glances at Mila, admiring her beauty and the way she interacted with their kids. Every smile, every touch, was a reminder about the reasons he loved her.

After a few hours of exploring the family for lunch at the aquarium cafe.

Quinn was so distracted the whole day he almost forgot to tell Mila about the planes he had for tonight. "I was thinking, since Jack is looking after the twins tonight, maybe we could have a little date night?" he suggested, his eyes sparkling with hope.

Mila's face lit up with a smile. "That sounds nice! I'd love that," she replied, reaching across the table to squeeze his hand.

"But last time we left the twins with Jack he lost them" she said with a teasing tone. "They'll be safe and in a hotel room, he also promised not to lose them." Quinn reassured her with a small laugh.

Back at the hotel, Quinn immediately suggested Mila should start getting readyz

Once Quinn was sure she was in their room getting ready he quickly took the moment to slip away and retrieve the ring from Elias.

He was planning on leaving the ring with Jack but since he was staying in a different hotel he left the ring with Elias instead.

Elias handed over the ring box once he saw Quinn at the door. "Good luck, buddy. She's going to love it," he said, clapping Quinn on the back.

Now Quinn had the ring in his hand he was starting to her nervous giving Elias a nervous smile before he hid the ring in his pocket.

As he rejoined Mila in their hotel room, seeing her getting ready with a smile, Quinn's heart skipped a beat. This day, filled with laughter, love, and anticipation, was leading up to a moment he knew would change their lives forever.

Quinn and Mila embarked on their special date night. Quinn's heart beat in rhythm with the anticipation building inside him, a blend of nervousness.

Their evening began with a dinner at the restaurant they went to every time they went to Toronto.

"I love this place, it's always the same," Mila said with a smile looking around.

Quinn knew that he didn't pick this place for nothing.

With the night still young, Quinn took Mila's hand taking her on a 'detour' to Toronto Island Park, a place Quinn knew Mila loved. As boarded the ferry, Quinn could feel the weight of the ring box in his pocket.

The moon casted a soft glow over the landscape. As they strolled along the winding paths, Mila stopped almost every stop to take a photo of something.

As they reached a secluded spot near the waterfront. Quinn knew it was time. He took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto Mila as she once again stopped to take a photo.

Mila's POV

"Are you ready to go?" I asked turning around to see...

Quinn down on one knee...

Quinn's POV

Quinn took a deep breath as he watched Milas eyes well up as she stood staring at him.

"Mila, from the moment I met you, my life changed in ways I never imagined possible. You've been my rock, even when you wouldn't talk to me. You're the mother of my children and the love of my life. Everyday spent with you is a blessing, and I can't imagine a future without you by my side."

Mila's eyes shimmered with tears,her emotions overwhelmed her.

"You've filled my world with laughter, warmth, and an endless supply of love. And 4 years ago when I promised I'd marry you I wasn't lying" Quinn continued, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

"Mila, will you do me the honour and marry me?"

The air seemed to still around them as Quinn waited for Mila's response, his heart beating loudly in his chest. Time seemed to stand still as Mila gazed into his eyes, her own filled with overwhelming love and joy.

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Mila whispered, "Yes, Quinn. Yes, a thousand times yes!"

Quinn's heart soared as he slipped the ring onto Mila's finger, sealing their love and commitment in that beautiful moment under the moonlit sky.


Sorry this took me a while to write but I wanted it to be perfect!

Their engaged now!!

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