Chapter 2

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Uh I forgot covid didn't effect the world till 2020 so I feel dumb 😭

Is it effect or affect I still don't know 😶
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3rd person

It was 4:30am in the morning. Mila was the only person awake in the house, the only light in the room came from the small book light Mila was using to read.

Quinn lay asleep next to his girlfriend one of his arms resting over Mila's body.

At 6am Mila fest Quinn start to stir next to her which Mila had learnt Quinn was slowly waking up.

"Morning Mills" Quinn mumbled looking over at his girlfriend. "Morning Quinny" Mila replied.

"How long have you been awake?" Quinn asked his girlfriend. "Uh since like 4:30" the girl shrugged.

The couple stayed in bed for a while Mila ready and Quinn trying to wake up.

Mila closed her book as Quinn planted a kiss on her cheek and then her lips forcing Mila to close her book. Quinn's was usually half dead in the morning until he had something in his System.

Quinn and Mila lied in bed talking about whatever they could come up with until there was a knock on the door.

Quinn groaned still not ready to fully wake up. But Mila told the visitor to come in. Both thier Moms Ellen and Gemma walked in.

"We've booked an ultrasound appointment for you Sweetheart" Gemma said looking at her daughter. "Your going to Quinn so I suggest you both get up and get ready." Ellen said looking at the couple.

Later that day as they sat in the waiting room, Mila whispered to Quinn "people are judging us because we're so young."

Quinn squeezed her hand, "No one's looking at us Mills don't worry." They were soon called in for the ultrasound appointment.

"Hello my names nurse Simons before we start the ultrasound I'd like to ask you a couple questions is that okay?" The older lady asked looking at Mila as she nodded her head.

"Okay first question is this your first pregnancy?" Simons asked. "Um yes it is" Mila said nodding.

"Okay, my second question do you know how far along in your pregnancy you are?" Simon asked again. "No sorry. I only found out about my pregnancy a couple weeks ago this is my first appointment" Mila expanded.

Simons nodded her head. "Okay now I'm going to put some gel on your stomach just a warning it may be cold." Simons said as she put the gel on Mila stomach.

As nurse Simons moved the stick on milas stomach Quinn and Mila looked at the screen. Mila tilted her head trying to see the baby.

"Do you see the baby?" the Simons asked looking at the ultrasound. Mila and Quinn both shook their heads still trying to see the baby on the screen.

Mila felt bad because she couldn't see the baby and started to cry. "I can't even see the baby I'm a horrible mom."

"It's okay," the Simons reassured the couple mostly Mila. "The baby is still very small at this stage so you are not a horrible Mom because you can't see the baby."

"I just want to make sure our baby is healthy." Mila said wiping her tears away.

Nudes Simons pointed to the screen where the baby was on the ultra sound. "See here that's your baby, and I am happy to tell you, you're 6 weeks pregnant."

On the way back, Quinn looked lost in thought, making Mila ask, "What are you thinking about babe?"

Quinn, deep in thought replied, "I was counting back and figured out the baby would have been made in July, since it's September now."

Mila chuckled, shaking her head at her boyfriend's unexpected calculation.

At home, their siblings sat in the family room invested in a game of Mario Kart. Mila and Quinn joined them on the couch. Macy couldn't help her curiosity or excitement.

"Did you get ultrasound photos?" Macy asked. Mila took out the photos, and Lottie looked at them closely. "It kinda looks like a bean."

Quinn chuckled. "Maybe that'll be the nickname."

The boys, Jack, Luke, and Sam, overheard the conversation. "
Let us see!" Jack said. Mila reluctantly handed over the ultrasound photos.

"It's our future niece or nephew," Luke shrugged casually.

"Yeah, it's cool, I guess," added Sam. "I dose kinda look like a bean" Mila said after she got the photos back.

I meant to update earlier sorry but I've been busy packing to go to New Zealand

I also don't know if I'm going to keep going with the 3rd person pov

I didn't proofread this chapter so sorry for any mistakes

I also have no idea how ultrasounds work

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