Chapter 15

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Time skip January 2024

3rd person

The last couple months has been hectic Christmas,new years and Mila's new job, there's  been a lot trying to finger out the twins and schedules as well as Quinn and Mila's.

Mila and Quinn had a big fight the week after Christmas and neither of them wanted to be the first to bring it up. But both of them new it wasn't a good way to be dealing with the situation.

Now when mila and Quinn talked there was a tension and it almost lead to a fight. Or when the twins where around it would be a passive aggressive talk.

"Mila can you pick up the twins today I have a meeting after practice" Quinn asked as he finished packing the twins bag.

"No Quinn todays your day because I have appointments up till 4pm then Im helping out with volleyball practice like every Wednesday that's why we made the system" Mila said with a sharp tone.

"But things change Mila can't you just cancel one of the appointments" Quinn shot back.

"No Quinn I can't it might not seem important to you but I can't just cancel on people the du of the appointment" Mila said frustrated.

Mila ended up texting her best friend clear asking if she can pick up the twins which she agreed to.

The tension between Mila and Quinn continued to escalate over the next couple of weeks. Small disagreements turned into heated arguments, and they found themselves walking on eggshells around each other.

One night after a intense argument, Mila couldn't contain her frustration any longer. "Quinn, just leave me alone! Get out of my face!" she yelled her voice trembling with anger and hurt.

Quinn just as frustrated shouted back, "Fine! I'll go find somewhere else to stay then!"

With that Quinn stormed off to pack a bag in a fit of rage leaving Mila alone in their bed. As she lay there tears streamed down her face, and she couldn't shake off the overwhelming feeling of  sadness.

The next day Mila though about reach out to Quinn but she was cut out of her thoughts when the twins came running into her room.

"Mommy we have pancakes?" Charlie asked with a smile. It was a routine the family had gotten into on a Thursday as Mila had the day off and would normally cook pancakes in the morning.

"Oh yeah okay give me a minute to get up and I'll make you pancakes." Mila said with a smile.

While the twins were eating pancakes Lacy looked around the house. "Mummy, where's daddy?" She asked looking at her mom.

"Oh uh daddy is gone to practice early today" mila said quickly thinking of an excuse even though the twins wouldn't understand that she had told him to leave.

After the twins had eaten Mila cleaned up the kitchen while the twins watched cartoons. "Mommy go for a walk?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah buddy we can go for a walk."

When they got back home the twins happily ate their lunch until the door opened and Quinn walked in.

Both twins jumped if their chairs to hug their dad. "Daddy you missed pancakes" Lacy said with a pout.

"Oh sorry bean but I was busy this morning but we'll have pancakes another day" Quinn said giving her a kiss on the head as he ruffled Charlie's hair.

Mila looked over at Quinn giving him a small smile which he returned. The tension was still there but near her of them knew what to do.

Once Quinn had gotten the twins to finish their lunch he walked over to Mila.

"I only came back to get my hockey gear" he said quietly. "Oh Yeah that's okay" Mila answered.

Mila sat in the couch as the twins colored in, then Mila sadly watched as Quinn left.

but before he left again he turned around and told her he was staying at Elias place and to text him if she need anything.


Oops 🙊

Anyway don't hate me I promise it'll get better (maybe)

I haven't spelled or grammar checked this so sorry for any mistakes😙

I'm sorry if this didn't make a lot of scenes but just wait it should soon

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