
"Italics and double quotation marks means speaking over the comms or screen"

Italics and no quotation marks are thoughts—including when they're thinking in the mental link

"Normal is normal speaking"

After the chaos of Red Tornado's brother, Mister Twister, Percy wouldn't mind sitting down and resting for a little, but she was attending a gala the next evening because Bruce ahd wanted her to join him and Dick.

She wore a dark blue suit and black flats. She also managed to hide the entirety of the Gala—actually proud of herself for that—while Dick was stuck being happy and greeting people.

After the gala, Bruce informed her that the next gala she would have to actually speak to people.

Then Percy went to chill and relax with her mom, having a great time baking and eating blue foods.


Carribean Sea

July 22nd 2010, 20:08

Fury sat in front of Robin and just behind Superboy in the Bioship.

Batman had called her in earlier for a mission to Santa Prisca and she was sitting there with her team.

Earlier, Fury had recieved word that Thalia was getting into a training regime and that she and Annabeth were reconnecting. She was really happy her friend and cousing were getting back in touch.

Being gone for 7 years is probably the worst.

"We're approaching Santa Prisca," Miss M announced.

The mission was meant to be a covert and recon mission. To abserve and report, but Fury had a feeling something was going to go wrong. Terribly wrong.

"Drop zone "A" in 30," announced MM. Aqualad stood, his suit switching to a darker mode for stealth.

Aqualad's turned to a blackish colour.

His chair melted into the Bioship. "Ready."

"Putting Bioship in camouflage mode." MM taps some buttons on her panel and the ship becomes transparent.

It flies closer to the ocean surface, then a hole opens on the floor of the Bioship. Aqualad dives into the ocean.

The occupants of the ship recieve a message from Aqualad a few seconds later. "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data's now on a continuous loop. Move in."

The Bioship arrives above the drop zone. KF's suit changes to black, MM changes her outfit to black as well. Fury had also installed stealth tech in her clothes because the glowing elements of her suit would attract attention. Her stealth suit changed to varying shades of grey in a camouflage pattern—an idea she had gotten from the Rangers Apprentice series—and the glows all disappeared.

Superboy and Robin both didn't have stealth tech because Superboy didn't like capes, tights and his shirt waas already black, whereas and tigRobin had no need for it when his red suit was pretty dark and he was already very stealthy—like Fury, however she had really wanted a stealth suit. Weird, right?

AN: Said this before but Rangers Apprentice is great and I reccomend if you kind of Medieval-ish series with romance as a subplot and action as the main plot. It is packed with adventure and I just adore the characters. Each character is unique and individual—my favourite character though is the main character, Will. You'll love him because he literally looks like a cinnamon, but will kill you.

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