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AN: Not proof read, also sorry it took so long

South Pacific
06/01/2016, 20:32 HAST

Nightwing sat at the main controls of the Bio-Ship, Batman sat at the helm. To Batman's right was Robin, and behind Robin was Batgirl. Storm remained standing next to Nightwing. The rest of the people on the mission were scattered around the Bio-Ship.

"Remember, this is primarily a recon mission. We wanna discover all we can about the Krolotean's invasion strategy before we shut them down and deliver them to the Green Lantern Corps," Batman reminded them.

"Approaching drop-zone Beta," Nightwing announced. The floor beneath Aquaman and Lagoon Boy disappeared, allowing them to jump down into the ocean.

When those two left, Nightwing piloted the ship around the corner. "Drop-zone Gamma," he announced.

Storm and Batman turned to each other and dropped down silently.

They were attacking from one of the main entrances. Large, copper-coloured doors that had three gaurds standing in front of the doors and a guard patrolling around. The door was embeeded in the rocks, not exactly hidden, but it looked secure and strong.

Storm snuck up on the guards standing at the door, defeating all three easily. They crumpled to the floor and their loud armour alerted the patrolling guard, who turned to look.

Storm pointed behind the guard, and the guard turned to face Batman. Batman's punch cracked the guard's helmet and knocked him unconscious.

The two Gotham vigilantes nodded to each other and disappeared with a swish of a cape and a flick of a hood.


Nightwing dropped down, followed by Robin and Batgirl. He signaled for the other two with his left hand, then the three separated.

A few seconds later, Black Manta goons started shooting at Robin.

Batman dropped down, stopping the two shooting at Robin, and hitting a third on another platform.

Nightwing and Batgirl appeared on the platform at the same time, defeating the two other goons.

Robin pulled out his staff and engaged in a fight against two on the ground.

That was when Aquaman and Lagoon Boy emerged from the water, attacking the men who were shooting at them while they were underwater.

That was when giant spider mechs dropped down from the ceiling. That was also when Storm dropped down, her sword slicing through the mech. She made sure that the krolotean within wasn't harmed.

The krolotean got out the mech, disoriented. When it looked up to Storm's dark, unforgiving eyes, it cowered back and then ran.

Storm rolled her eyes at the cowardice and got to pushing the other kroloteans away as well as destroying the mechs.

That was when she saw Aquaman get thrown back by a shot from a black manta guy. She honed in on the guy, sensing his blood, and she figured out who he was quickly.

Storm tore through a mech, but she kept her distance. Everyone knew how she acted when she wanted revenge, so she probably would have to hold back a lot and she couldn't afford that.

Soon, all the Manta guys were retreating. Storm was quick to tackle one and knock them out, but she noticed most of them getting away.

"Nightwing to Delta Squad. Enemy is attempting to escape. Request backup." Storm heard Nightwing say and she braced herself for the sudden appearance.

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