How Percy Found Out She Was a Demigod

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Percy POV:

'Bye Dick. See you in two nights for patrol.'

'By Perce.' He ascended the steps and exited the cave.

As soon as he was gone I turned to Bruce, my face shifting from easy going to tired and serious.

'Answers, now,' I demanded.

He didn't bother to reprimand me for my tone. 'What do you remember about the attack? Every single detail.'

'Well, Mrs Dodds, my maths teacher, turned into an exact replica of what my mom called a Kindly One from Greek mythology, a Fu-'

'Names have power, Percy,' Bruce interrupted.

'You call me Fury a lot. Why is it now you're only telling me that names have power?' I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

'Well, now you know,' he answered. 'What you saw was not a hallucination. Your maths teacher was a Greek monster and more will come for you because you are a demigod, half-god and half-human. Your mom fell in love with a god.'

'My mom fell in love with God? Like, Jesus?'

'No, a god. She fell in love with a Greek god of Olympus,' replied Bruce.

'So, my father is a god,' I clarified slowly. 'You mean to tell me that a god pulled my mom and couldn't even fucking pay his dam child support!'


'No, don't interrupt me! The Greek gods exist, which means every Greek myth is real, and I'm a fucking demigod. However, this Greek god couldn't dam help my mom! Who the fuck does he think he is?'

'There are laws gods must follow. The laws say that no god can interfere with their demigod child's life,' explained Bruce.

I didn't care. 'That's bullshit. Parents should act like parents or they aren't goddam parents! No offence, Bruce, but I was raised by a loving and amazing mom who taught me that parents care for their children, so excuse me for having standards on how to parent. These all powerful being who call themselves gods can't even pay their kids a dam visit?! I call bs.'

If my dad was a god, still didn't believe that, then why did he never help my mom. My mom married Gabe, and abusive piece of shit, and everything. She said it was for my safety. He could have helped and—

'Percy, gods are not allowed the same liberties as human parents. Besides, your father truly loved your mother, as far as I know. I'm quite sure he is helping with child support a little. You can be angry at him all you want, but—'

I cut him off, 'I don't believe in gods. I'm an atheist.' Maybe I was too angry, but to be fair even if these guys existed, I was never going to believe in them.

Bruce, although a small change to anyone else, quirked his eyebrow. He was done with me interrupting and I didn't care, as per usual.

'Back to the actual point, I was attacked by a Greek monster. We can safely assume that more Greek monsters exist and that more will probably try to kill me. Mr Brunner and Grover know something and somehow the entire school have no clue that Mrs Dodds existed,' I summed up.

Bruce nodded. 'Your Latin teacher, Mr Brunner, must be from a Greek myth or something because he can manipulate the mist. The mist is a veil that hides the demigod world from mortal world. Some special individuals, like Sally, can see through the mist.'

I nodded, the information sinking in. 'So, you're saying that Mr Brunner and Grover are gaslighting me?'

'Basically, yes.'

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