Events of the Past

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AN: This is just a fun chapter of a few events that took place in the past. Also, like Non-chronological order, or something.


Wayne Manor

December 31st 2006, 19:12

"Don't worry, Dick. You'll be fine for your first gala, trust me," Percy comforted.

Dick looked at Percy as if she were crazy. "You pranked me two weeks ago with slugs in my bed. I'm never trusting you!"

Percy chuckled. "Fine, but at least believe me when I say that you'll be fine. My first gala was worse."

Dick felt himself not beleiving that at all. "What did you do?"

Percy grinned maniacally.

Wayne Manor

December 31st 2004, 17:43

Percy stared at Bruce as if he had two heads, which she wouldn't be surprised if he did because of the question he just asked.

"Let me get this straight. You want me to attend a gala because it is New Years and you think it would be fine for me to finslly try the socialite lessons Alfred has been giving me?" she asked with a flourish of her hands.

"Yes," replied Bruce.

"I declare this is stupid!" Percy exclaimed, staring at Bruce hard.

Bruce looked slightly offended. "It's my year to host the New Years party for Gotham and also there will be kids your age."

"Yes, because I am definitely a social butterfly. Fuck this shit, I'm out."

"You're nine, Percy, stop swearing," Bruce said tiredly.


"Your mom is fine with it," Bruce said, giving up on reprimanding.

"Fine, I'll come to your stupid galam" Percy snapped.

That was how, an hour and a half later, Percy found herself in a simple, dark blue dress. It had a symmetrical neckline and was sleeveless, with casscading ruffles. Percy wore black ballet flats. Her wavy hair was tied back in a half-up half-down style and held back by a black claw clip.

Percy was easily fitting in with the kids her age because she was being quite and staying in the background. They talked about nothing, the latest new about Joker and some other boring things.

This is so dam boring, she sighed internally, her eyes scanning the area. She looked up to the balcony entrance on the second floor and just caught the back of someone entering.

Let's add a bit of chaos to this place.

Percy ascended the stairs, grabbing a glass of water from the table on the way. She arrived at the balcony to see Arthur Stone (some millionaire who was polluting the ocean like very other rich person) holding a glass of alcohol and looking very tipsy.

He didn't notice her, more set on looking at the Wayna manor garden.

"Good evening, Stone," she greeted.

He let out an undignified yelp and stared at her. "Hello. Who are you?"

Percy felt repulsed at the smell of wineacohol and felt like wretching, but she bit back her disgust and hid her flinch. "I'm Percy Jackson."

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