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Fury shot up.

She had died on the alien mission, then her vision changed. Screams and golden eyes. A person dying and a name in Fury's throat. A constellation she had never seen before. A silver-eyed woman shedding tears.

She landed on the floor and panted deeply as she stood shakily.

That's right. Fury had been in a training simulation with her team, but it felt so real.

She felt dizzy and was breathing with shallow breaths. She tried to steady herself on the place she'd been lying down on, but she couldn't. All she could think about was her vision, a scream about a broken promise.

She wasn't listening to the explanation from J'onn, but was holding her head as a scream she knew swam through her mind.

Annabeth! Something happened... why was I struck by lightning? Who is Bianca and Nico? A goddess trapped? My head, it hurts. Agh!

Fury gripped her head again. She didn't see the looks of concern from Batman and Robin. She couldn't see anything except black eyes full of betrayal. Skeletons and death.

It hurts. Everything hurts. I've neverh had a dream-vision this bad before. What's going on?

"Fury! Fury, breath. You're having a panic attack. Breath."

Batman's voice anchored her and she took deep breaths.

"Calm down," Batman said again, then she heard Batman talking to the team. "Give her space. Crowding makes a person panic more."

Two minutes later and she still felt horrible, but much less anxious.

"Can I have some tea? Steaming hot Jasmine tea is my favourite and calms me the most," Fury said, not looking up. She couldn't look up, lest they somehow see through her mask.

Robin and Artemis immediately ran off to make tea. Five minutes later and the team dispersed, leaving only Batman and Fury in the room. Another minute and Robin returned with the tea.

Fury took the cup and took a sip from the scaulding cup without getting burnt because daughter of Poseidon powers.

She looked at Robin, then looked down.

Batman sent Robin a look and Robin left, going to comfort M'gann, who was still shocked by what she had done and now feeling even more guilty because of what happened to Fury.

"B, I had a dream. It felt so real. It was a demigod dream. There was a scream and anger. It felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders," she explained quietly.

Batman stayed silent, listening carefully (he had heard about demigod dreams and how they usually showed flashes of the future). Then Fury finally met his eyes, and even though there was a mask seperating them, he could practically feel the fear in her eyes.

"B, someone died. I saw two people dying."


Mount Justice

October 23rd 2010, 17:21

The team dotted around, some in the living room. M'gann was in the kitchen, stirring batter.

Fury entered, in civies and sunglasses, with another cup of tea and sat down on the arm of the couch.

"Don't blame yourself, M'gann. I don't. It felt so real that of course you'd react that way, so don't worry. None of us blame you," Fury said after taking a sip of tea.

"But, I caused you to have a panic attack. It's my fau-"

"M'gann, I don't care. You meant no harm and I don't blame you. Besides, I'm all better now. So stop blaming yourself, please. If not, can you do it for me," Fury countered.

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