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Gotham City

August 27th 2010, 06:17

Percy had had a great time at the beach on her birthday. She made sure to trip Dick every few minutes while they were jumping over waves, for comedic purposes of course, and Dick had said she was cheating but she technically wasn't because the ocean was her turf and they never said now powers.

They had had burgers, coffee, tea, cake, cookies, cupcakes and Alfred's amazing swandwiches.

It was great.

The next week and three days were spent sparring or patrol with Batman.

Then the 27th came around and at 6 AM, Fury found herself and her team facing Clayface.

Clayface had already defeated SB, KF, MM, Artemis and Robin. He just finished Aqualad and it was only Fury left.

Clayface was liquid–y right. I mean, he always looks like he's melting. Worth a shot.

Fury shrugged and flipped backwards, then held up her hands and Clayface stopped dead.

"What is this?!" He growled, but Fury couldn't answer. This was draning her energy badly and she was sweating.

Then her mentor arrived, shattering the glass above. He exploded Clayface's arm and zapped him with lightning by one of his gadgets.

Fury dropped her control and fell into a kneeling position. Batman rushed over and gave her some water—he always had a spare bottle.

"Thanks B." Fury tried for a smile, but it came out as more of a grimace.

"Are you alright?"

"Just drained of energy. Controlling clay, which is only partly liquid, is energy draning. I felt like I couldn't breathe," Fury answered as she stood shakily. Batman gave her a once over then checked the other guys as she walked slowly.


Mount Justice

August 27th 2010, 07:58

"I need to Aqualad. The rest of you, hit the showers and head home," Batman told the team as they entered through the Zeta-Tube.

"Head home? I am home," Superboy retorted as he spread his arms.

He, KF, MM and Fury walked away.

Fury doused herself in water, letting the hot water clean her cuts, heal her bruises and give her energy.

She looked at her hand and sighed. So I can control more than just water. This changes everything, she thought with a groan.

She exited the shower, changed into shorts and a shirt, put on her sunglasses than messaged her mom she was staying with Bruce that night.


Gotham City

August 27th 2010, 20:04

Dick several more times and then landed, grunting. He lost his balance on a pol-like thing, flipped back and stopped in front of the wall.

He groaned and then punched the wall, which cracked.

"Dick, we get it. You're jealous of the team leader, whom you elected. Right now, I think you need to stop obsessing over the fact that Bruce didn't want to speak to you," Percy scolded as she threw Dick his bottle of water and a towel.

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