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Mount Justice

September 23rd 2010, 06:34

Fury walked into the room to see Conner holding Kaldur up and blaming him for not telling the team that there was a traitor.

She sighed and walked further into the room. "Enough!"

Everyone shut up and turned to her.

"Turning against each other will not help us right now. First we must focus on fixing the cave, then we can speak about Kaldur withholding information. His decision was based on a logical choice, that I do actually understand," Fury said as she came to stand beside Batman.

"His information nearly got us killed!"

"Okay? And if he had revealed it, we would have not trusted each other. We would have turned against each other and been at each other's throats as you are now."

"Anyway, Bats, I have to go. I'll probably be gone for a week at most since a friend needs me," Fury said then left without a look at anyone else.

"Recognized: Fury, B02."


Mount Justice

October 1st 2010, 18:13

The mission that the Young Justice had been on without her was relayed to her by Robin, and Fury was happy that they sorted out the trust problem.

She'd not been with the team for the rest of September because she had needed a break. Instead, she had stayed at camp to fight Clarisse. Clarisse and her, although great rivals and unstoppable in battle together, kept up the act of hating each other for drama. It was funny.

Beckendorf, a son of Hepheastus and a good friend, had told Fury that her sword would be ready soon. It was taking a while because of the different metals and because Beckendorf had been shocked by her choice of design.

Dual sided, one side was celestial bronze and the other was a mix of silver and mortal metals. Strong but scary.

Fury had also asked Beckendorf to make her some knee pads, except they were celestial bronze and mortal steel. It seemed like something she could use on monsters and humans.

Beckendorf had questioned why, so Percy had revealed it. But only Beckendorf knew of her outside activities.

Beside the point, Fury was now entering the Cave through a Zeta-Tube near her and her mom's apartment. Batman had had one installed so that Fury could get to the Cave from New York with ease.

"Recognized: Fury, B02."

She entered to find Robin and Aqualad sparring in civies. Captain Marvel and Zatara stood to the side watching as she joined them.

She watched as M'gann and Conner walked through with Conner's pet wolf, named Wolf.

She smiled, happy the young couple were together. Fury had seen it coming ages ago.

She then walked over to the wolf and smiled.

"Hello Wolf. How are you?" She asked. Fury loved dogs and cats and every animal because they were all so cute. Except snakes and monkeys.

Snakes because one had crawled into her crib when she was a baby and she had strangled it. Monkeys because of the monkeys that had attacked weeks prior and their annoying giggling.

She held out her hand for Wolf, and Wolf smelt the han before he started licking her.

"Recognized: Batman, 02."

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