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No major missions had happened since the leave of Batman adnd others, but since Nightwing was the Team leader, Storm would usually hold Gotham in Batman's absence.

Storm wasn't able to go and confront Red Arrow with Kid Flash, Nightwing, and the others because the City of Crime never rests and life's evil.

When Nightwing called her later to tell her about it. She wasn't exactly shocked about the results.

Roy was a difficult person and had anger issues, like her and Superboy, but when he defected from the Team, he'd changed a lot.

No one could get him to see sense or even listen.

She sighed when the call ended, then quickly ran across the rooftops to continue her patrol.

With no one else other than hersel,f Storm had to satrt patrol eralier to be able to cover all of Gotham. To be fair, she could just use her senses, but sensing with water molecules over a long period of time could drain her energy.

Storm was delighted when her break came in the form of Bialya.


19/02/2016, 19:06 UTC+2

"Investigating the origin of the alien bomb that destroyed the Krolotean invasion force is still a high priority. We suspect the bomb may have been smuggled to Earth via boom tube," Nightwing was saying.

Currently, Storm, Miss Martian, Batgirl, Bumblebee, and Wonder Girl were all on the Bio-Ship and headed to Bialya. Nightwing was explaining the mission.

"Watchtower sensor scans of Bialya have recorded an uptick in boom tube activity. Alpha Squad. you mission is to-"

Nightwing was interrupted byb the youngest, Wonder Girl. "Sneak behind enemy lines, recon known boom tube hotspots, and find alien tech matching the bomb. Oh, and don't get caught or create an international incident, right?"

"That about covers it." Nightwing smiled

"Psimon?" Miss M. asked, eyes narrowed in a glare. Storm shared the sentiment. Psimon was, in all honesty, an asshole.

"We have confirmation that Bialya's telepathic enforcer is still catatonic in a Quraci hospital after his last encounter with you," Nightwing replied. Storm and Nighwting had always been confused as to how the encounter ended, what hppened, but no actual solid theories. Nightwing continued, "But Bialya's dictator, Queen Bee, is another story. Her ability to control the minds of men is why Alpha is an all-female squad for this mission."

Every single member of Alpha squad rasied their eyebrows, well Storm raised one, but they judged Nightwing.

Batgirl voiced their thoughts. "Oh, really? And would you have felt the need to justify an all-male squad for a given mission?"

Nightwing coughed awkwardly. "Ahem...uh... There's no right answer for that, is there?"

"Wing, you should shut up," Storm said drawing Nightwing's gaze to her immediately. The Romanina flowed from her pretty smoothly. What she said would forever remain a mystery to everyone else except Nightwing. They hadn't even seen what she had done. What had Storm done? Nightwing would take that secret to his grave.

"Nightwing out."

Batgirl chuckled. "Queen Bee isn;t the only woman who can mess with a man's mind."

They all laughed together, well Storm kind of just sat with sprakling eyes, but she was clearly enjoying the joke.

"Wait, what did you say to him?" Wonder Girl asked, turning to Storm.

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