Chapter 3: Getting a girl ready

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"Ok sweetheart it is time to get up. I let you sleep as long as I could but we have to get a move on Megan will be here any minute," said Amanda as she gently woke Bailey. Then as if on cue the doorbell rang announcing Megan's return. Amanda quickly left the room to go help her sister inside.

Bailey slowly sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as the reality of his situation settled back in on him. He was trapped by that bitch Megan. She had forced this embarrassing situation on him. He couldn't believe what he was going to have to do. He was going to be a laughing stock. Sure he was a little on the small side but he was still a man. But he didn't have a choice; he couldn't risk Megan sharing what she knew. So he would have to play along for now. Hopefully this would all be over soon and he could figure his way out of Megan's blackmailing.

The Best sisters now sat in the kitchen after Amanda had helped her in with her bags. "Okay sis I know this is gonna be weird today seeing your boyfriend like this but just remember this was his idea. He just wants to show you his support and be there for you just like you were for him," said Megan. "I know it is so sweet of him. I just cannot believe he is willing to go through all this for me," said Amanda as they heard Bailey making his way to the bathroom in the hall.

"Ok while he's in there I need to show you something. I did some research last night to try and find ways to help Bailey be convincing. I know the last thing either of you want is for him to be found out. I think I found something that you should do to help him out. It's called tucking. Here take a look at this video. I know it seems strange but we can't afford any slip ups today right?" said Megan as she handed Amanda her phone.

Bailey had just finished using the bathroom when Amanda quietly walked in. "Ok Bailey we do not have a lot of time so we need to get you ready. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you doing this for me baby. Now I am going to need to do something real quick that you probably will not like but it is for the best. We cannot afford anyone noticing anything odd and only see a teenage girl today so we need to hide your most obvious male sign. I am going to tuck you away so you look convincing and we can better protect your secret okay?" said Amanda.

Bailey wanted to scream he didn't want any of this, but again he had little choice. "Ok Mandy, whatever you think is best."

Quickly with Bailey standing there Amanda went to work following the helpful video. She first worked his balls until they popped back up into his body's natural cavity and then after wrapping his shaft in some tissue securely taped it tightly back between his legs leaving Bailey with a flat smooth groin area. "There we go that is much better. Now you will not show in your new clothes. Oh and remember you will need to sit to pee when you're like that just like all the other girls. Now follow me we still have lots more to do to get you ready," said Amanda as she rose up and made her way out of the bathroom.

Bailey wanted to throw up. This was just wrong; he looked down at his crotch in shock. It didn't hurt but it just felt wrong and uncomfortable. He just wanted to run but he knew he had nowhere to go. Finally with a sigh he pulled back on his boxers and followed after Mandy into their bedroom. Inside he saw Megan holding a box and smirking at him. "Okay so first things first Bailey, you need to lay down on the bed so we can get your new breast ready before we move on to clothes," said Megan taking charge as they all met in the bedroom.

Not wanting to cross her this early on Bailey did as she asked. Once he was laying down Megan began carefully placing the rather realistic looking breast forms on to Bailey's hairless chest. After a few minutes she was sure the glue had set, then used a special concealer that had been in the box with the forms to hide the seams. The finished product was rather impressive to all but the most expert eye it now looked as though Bailey had a nice set of natural c-cups breasts.

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