Chapter 9: The Triple Date !!!

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Dear diary !

It's like me again, hehe.
So today I like got to hang out with my big sister again ^^ and after all the shopping we did I totally had the perfect outfit! It was a super cute blue blouse with these like ultra cute sparkles on it then I paired it with a cute little button up jean skirt that shows off my gorgeous legs! Then of course stilettos because who wouldnt wanna be drop dead gorgeous?
When Mommy came in she even said I look like a princess^^ oh like this morning and like last night too Mommy brushed my hair out and it felt sooooo good.
So like when I was all done Mommy said me and Candi could be twins! Like wow I know Candi would just flip if she knew. I almost did hehe
On the way me and Mommy talked about my dream wedding cuz of this quiz Candi sent me. What your dream wedding says about who you will marry. So its like no surprise Im going to marry a romantic and adventurous man. I wouldn't want to be stuck with some boring unromantic guy! Blech!
So like when I got to Candis room she totally tackled me and said I looked totally hawt hehe but she was totally cute herself and she had this soooo cute white bikini and black sarong. She knows as much about fashion as me. Probably more. Hehe but probably not.
But hey Im like no slouch in the bikini department. I dressed in a red and white striped bikini that showed off my fab belly button ring hehe
And she like totally remembered I burn easy in the sun :( and she like got the perfect lotion for us. And shes so clever cause she put this totally cute star sticker on my side so like it wouldnt tan but the rest did! I always loved looking at the stars with my Daddy
So then like after we got done putting on our lotions and I got to have the best nap there was this sweet couple and their totally adorable son and they asked if we could babysit so they could have like some alone time. I think that means they were going to go have sex hehe. I cant blame her hubby was cute.
But any way like Mikey was so cute and adorable. We played lots of games until the poor thing was all tuckered out and he like totally clung to me. When his Daddy came to get him I was like so sad to see him go he was so cute and sweet like im not saying I want kids right now but maybe some day. But like Candi even said id make a great mom one day. Im sure Mommys not in any hurry to be a grandma hehe
So like while little Mikey was hanging onto me we took another quiz its scary how accurate these quizes are to! Cause this one said I like like dressing to the nines and like duh obvi! It's so much more fun than when I was a boring tomboy.
And Candi is like so easy to talk to. We like talked about my daddy and my horse cherry from when I was a little kid. she talked about her mom. I felt so sad cause she like misses her mom so much and honestly...I miss Daddy some times. I bet he would be like so totally surprised with how his daughter turned out hehe
So like after we had lunch that was totally diet friendly of course I got to be on Candis channel again. And like my ponytail had come all undone so she put my hair in the cutest pigtails. I like fer sher looked like her younger sister then hehe. Any way on the channel we did makeup tutorials. Mine was basic since im still new to makeup. Like clothes are totally easier you just put on whats the cutest. But like makeup is an art so it was like totally hard cause I had to teach her viewers how to do the same look Candi gave me. Then after my part was done Candi showed them how to do a night time look. I got to be the model hehe being a model is so much fun! Can you imagine? People like get paid for being pretty!
Ooh Candi even helped me set up my own youtube channel idk why I havent done this before? My first video was like about my new diet so of course I wore my bikini. I know im like not where I want yet but come on im still totally hawt!
And like Candi sent the video to Auntie Megan and she loved it!
So with the money Mikey's Daddy gave us we could both get massages! Candi got a girl but I got this like totally hunky guy. I think he had a crush on me. And after we both felt sooooo relaxed we like totally crashed on the couch idk how long cause like her Daddy woke us up. I like didnt want the day to end but he had to drive me home i hope I get my license soon. And like i was starting to miss Mommy any way
So like when I got home tho Mommy wasnt home yet but Auntie Megan was! Im like so happy I get to spend more time with, OMG!! Some guy came by and he is like totally flirting with Aunt Megan!
Ok like the guy is looking for Bailey. Not me bailey Mommys bailey. Its like totally weird Mommys ex has the same name as me. But like im the cuter one.
Omg again! He has a younger brother and like wants to totally set us up! I got like really nervous cause like ive never been on one date and now I like have 2?! Okay so like confession time last night I was naughty and like forgot auntie put a block on my computer. So like I just wanted to see cute guys and stuff but she found out and I'm like totally dead if Mommy finds out! :((((

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