Chapter 14: New beginnings or Same old routine !? (Season 2)

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Bailey sat in the back of the Uber driver's compact car with the backpack in his lap. He wasn't feeling relief like he expected, instead he was nervous. He had left mostly everything he owned behind, he would have loved to take his laptop, but with the child guard system in it, the thing was close to worthless. He hoped after a good night's sleep he would feel like a freed man, instead of a prisoner out on the lamb. One that very much needed to get to safety to plan their next move.

The hotel Bailey had chosen was a cheap location close to the airport. Climbing out of the car he put on the backpack and handed the driver one of the twenties he got from Amanda. Looking at the place he expected less, it didn't look like a hole in the wall at all. Stepping forward he had to shuffle his feet a little to keep the shoes on. The one size difference wouldn't have been a problem if the shoes had any laces. He wished Mandy had left out some of her running shoes for him to take, but these were a lot better than the six inch heels he wore earlier. The very idea of going from being turned on by a girl wearing the come fuck me pumps, to wearing them was insane. When Bailey came up to the double glass doors they didn't open like he expected and he was worried for a second that the place was closed. "What can I do for you?" Bailey looked around for someone for a second before it dawned on his tired brain that it was an intercom. "Ah, I need to get a room for the night." The doors didn't slide open so he just looked around before the voice came back. "You need to hit the intercom buttons, you know what, never mind." The doors slid open and a blast of cold air-conditioning washed over Bailey as he made his way into the small lobby.

If you kept walking forward you would end at an elevator, to the right were some seats and an ATM, and to the right was a counter that went almost to the wall so workers could walk around. Walking up to the counter Bailey put his bag up so he could dig a round in it for his wallet. "One room for the night, Mr. umm." Bailey looked for a name tag, but found none. "Mr. Manager," Bailey said looking at the slim white haired man who looked to be somewhere in his sixties. Bailey handed over the card as the man started to type something into the computer. The man was looking at Bailey in a way that said he didn't trust him and it only made him feel more nervous.

"The name is Frank Santiago. Did your parents send you in to check in while they get their bags?" Frank watched the young teen girl shift nervously from one foot to the other, arms crossing her chest. She seemed scared to him, and seeing the blonde hair sticking out from a hat advertising a company she wasn't old enough to go to, it reminded him of his granddaughter. "Parents, my parents are dead and I'm twenty five!" Frank looked the person up and down at his counter. Black female flats, jeans that were too long he guessed from the rolled up legs or maybe it was just fashion, he long since stopped paying attention, but they were tight in other places. The t-shirt she wore was much too large for her and tucked into her pants. He figured it was her father's or an older sibling. She didn't have much of a chest and many girls today seem to have larger chests than when he was a kid, so she had to be young. Her claim of being twenty five was maybe generous by ten years. Her nails were long and red, she looked to be wearing minimal makeup like he would expect from a younger girl. It did not add up and he wondered why.

On his screen a declined insufficient funds popped up. Taking a look at the card he read the name out loud. Bailey Andrew Smith? Seems the card was declined" He said holding the card up and looking at the teen girl. "Yeah that's like me!" She said back to him. She was really trying to stick to her story, but the girl didn't even try to fake a more grown up male voice. "You don't sound like someone with the middle name Andrew to me. The girl snatched the card and glared at him. "I do too!" Bailey said in irritation, but it suddenly bothered him a lot what the man said. Bailey had been talking in the fake girl voice for the entire week and at some point hadn't had to keep trying to talk that way. He wondered when the fake voice started to sound normal to him. "How is this, that better?" He said in a deeper voice that sounded way too forced and comical. 'Fuck, I will have to practice my own fucking voice to be normal!' With the card in hand he moved to the ATM. In her haste one of her shoes came free, giving him a look at the girl's painted toes.

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