Chapter 11: A Little Practice won't hurt !!!

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Candi was quick to take Amanda's hand and head off into the park. "I like haven't done any of the slides yet, I umm was too afraid to do the cliff slide. Maybe we can skip that one, if that is okay." Candi said, looking up at the tall slide coming over the tree line. "We can do whatever you like dear, I am just happy to spend some time with you. Tell me did Bailey leave you behind so she could go on it?" looking over at Amanda Candi gave a small ashamed smile. "Umm, no she tried to calm my nerves, but when I got to the top I just couldn't. You know that feeling you get when you fall? I was kind of getting that just looking down and ran down the stairs when Bailey wasn't looking. She was being so nice to try and help build me up and make me feel brave like she is. I have never had a friend like her before." Amanda gave a little squeeze to the teenager's hand to show her support. Happy to hear her Bailey was building this girl up. Bailey wasn't a bad person, but building others up didn't usually fit into his personality. Maybe seeing things from the other side has really opened him up, and why he wasn't afraid to show his feelings and cry in front of others.

"Tell you what, there is a foam mat slide over this way and we can loop around and do the slide your father and I did earlier. On the way over you can tell me more about yourself, from what I have seen you are already brave and outgoing. Your father tells me you have your own youtube channel that generates income, I hope you know how amazing that is. And if you are doing something amazing, that means Candace Ann Connors is amazing, does it not?" the comment brought a smile to her face and caused her to blush a little. "According to my pass I'm Candace Ann Connors-Best. The best shows how modest I am and that at least here I can have a mom and a dad." Amanda thought this girl was just too precious, and was sure she was a handful when she wanted to get her way, but right now her goal seemed to win over her heart, and the pretty teen was doing just that. "The last name can be a burden, for as long as you have it try to live up to it. Before being the best Candace, what are some things that you are not good at or things you wish could be better at?"

The two got to the line for the simple slide and each grabbed one of the blue foam mats. "Well you already know about the heights, but I am also not very coordinated for things like cheerleading and that is okay I guess, I have trouble with my grades sometimes and they have requirements, but it would have been like nice to make the team. What I'm like trying to get better at though is softball! I was able to play in a group outside of school for fastpitch softball and it was so fun, Daddy even said he would love to coach if he had the free time, but well you know. I'm just so happy he could come to the games. I'm like not too good like some of the other girls, but he said this summer he will help me so I might be able to make the starting lineup, that would be totally amazing!"

Amanda watched her talking and gave a beaming smile, the more excited she got the faster she was talking. "Too bad you are not staying longer, while I never played softball. My sister played it for years, she was good from what I remember, even tried her hand at coaching a team for her daughter when she was able.. I spent most of my time playing tennis and golf." Candi's face lit up hearing how Megan was good at her favorite sport, but it turned to a sour look at the mention of golf.

"Ick, golf just seems so boring. Daddy does it now and then with coworkers or people he needs to make a deal with, but it just seems I dunno, not something fun."

"Well Princess Candace, everyone has different ideas of fun." Amanda teased her a little using her full time. "But tell me, do you like playing mini golf?" Pursing her lips Candi looked to Amanda, not sure if she wanted to concede the point, but reluctantly nodded.

"I learned golf from my dad, it was time where it was just the two of us. I am sure you can understand growing to like something like that, but I have not had a chance to play in over a year with how busy I have been." she also thought of how Bailey said it was like watching grass grow and if she wanted to go play she could, but he would just be at the club house drinking, not exactly her idea of spending time together. Candi gave Amanda a hug and pulled back with a big smile on her face. "Maybe Daddy and I can stay longer, that way you and him can go golfing and Aunt Megan can like totally give me some tips on playing softball. One week with you and Bailey just like isn't enough." leaning over Amanda gave the girl a kiss on the top of her head as she thought of spending more time with her and Derrick.

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