Chapter 7: Amanda getting asked out by Derrick

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When Amanda arrived at the office, she could see April, her assistant already working diligently at her crescent moon shaped desk just outside her own. Walking up and stopping in front of it she cleared her throat when April failed to notice her arrival. "Ahem." When April looked up, a strand of her dark hair fell loose from her pulled up hair. "Miss Gates, you know it is the weekend and as an hourly employee you need to be cleared for overtime."

April smiled at Amanda. "My time here saves you time ma'am, if you like I could call down to engineering and see if they can have a bed installed for you on my way out. Or alternatively we can just keep on doing what we have been for the last few months."

"Heaven forbid I have to sleep here too; you can stay so long you can find me some coffee."

April gave her boss a single nod and then opened Amanda's office door. Inside the chairs were no longer covered in file folders and binders, the dark stained oak office desk only had a single small stack of folders off to one side, and at the center of the desk was a Venti coffee.

Walking past her assistant to her office Amanda walked around her desk examining the room. "April, I love you for the coffee alone, but you know most of those same files are going to end right back in here," she said, taking a sip of the rich dark roast with just a touch of hazelnut creamer.

"As much as I want your love, Ms. Best the coffee was from Mr. Connors. He texted me this morning asking what kind of coffee you liked. He arrived about a half hour ago, it seems to me he is sweet on you. So, I take it everything worked out with your boy... With your daughter then? Taking another sip of the coffee Amanda looked around her office again admiring how it is supposed to look.

"Too well actually, Bailey is on the way to the mall for a day of shopping with Mr. Connor's daughter, my sister is playing chauffeur and the role of new friend will have to continue until they leave now."

"That is a troubling development on one front, but on the other..." she said bobbing her head from side to side causing her long dark hair to sway. "That level of doing well if you can maintain it sounds like we both will profit, and it isn't like the two of you have to do this for long. They go shopping today and the girls' text for the rest of the week, maybe see each other one more time and you can be done," shaking her Amanda let out a sigh wishing that were so.

"No, young Miss Connors seems to be a driven young girl, a sweet one at that. The two girls have plans for the week, even a date..."

April looked around seeing the empty office, but hearing the click of some keyboards from the bullpen. Closing the office door for some privacy, she said. "Bailey and Candace are going on a date with each other?!"

Amanda let out a small, but sad laugh. "Bad as that would be, no. They are going on a double date; Bailey is going to be escorted by your brother." At the mention of August, April started to laugh hard enough to hold her belly.

"That is rich, Bailey was always say we call it handsy with you but somehow I doubt that will be the case with my brother. He is a little bit of a dork and shy around girls, I would say at most they may hold hands, but considering the kiss you mentioned... Well Bailey better hope the boys don't take the girls to a movie. I'm sorry it can't be easy for you, but if this was a movie you would be laughing at the hijinks." Amanda glared at her friend, but she was right. If this was a movie it would be playing out like a romantic comedy, but she wasn't going to admit it out loud.

"On that note, you said before you were willing to help. Is that still the case?" nodding her head April responded. "You don't have to ask, even if my promotion wasn't tied to your own, I would be willing to help you. What do you need?" Reaching into her purse Amanda pulled out her car keys and handed them to April. "I need my guest room to have some decorations like a teenage girl fitting Bailey's persona belongs in there. Can you do that?"

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