Chapter 13: Bidding farewells are hard! (Season Finale)

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"Good morning!" April said to Amanda as she came down the hallway to her office. April was standing next to her desk with a mug of hot coffee ready for her boss. "Good morning, and Happy Friday." Amanda greeted back as she took the mug in her free hand and looked at the one her assistant had selected. Amanda was holding the mug Bailey had gotten her earlier in the week that read 'Best Mom Ever'. Looking at it brought a smile to her face as gave April a knowing look before walking into her office. The dark haired assistant quickly followed asking. "So how is the life of being a parent to a teenage daughter?"

Putting the mug down and setting up her desk for the day, Amanda gave one last look at the writing on the mug and smiled at her friend. "April, the entire situation is odd I know, but…" Amand sat down in her seat as he words trailed off thinking of the right thing to say. "I have to say I have been happy. Last night Bailey and I were curled up on my bed shopping for a dress for her to wear tonight. It was like when I was young with my own mother, of course we were looking in a magazine then."

April felt that there was a lot to unpack there with what her friend just said, so she smoothed her skirt out as she took a seat. "So he." April paused a second before continuing. "Is even playing along with all of this when it is just the two of you alone?" Amanda took a sip of her coffee before giving April a nod and acknowledging what she was trying to hint at. "Yes, he is staying in character. The other day Bailey was alone with Candi at the hotel. When he came home, he confessed how he messed up and almost got everything ruined. He made me promise to treat him just like I would treat a real daughter of mine, I even had to punish him. Ever since I have done my best to think of Bailey as my daughter... April if I am being honest with you. It is not hard to forget who Bailey was when you see the beautiful girl in front of you pressing around in her dresses and heels." Pursing her lips, April nodded a little.

"He…" Amanda cut April off. "She, her. It is easier that way and the walls have ears." Conceding the point, April continued. "She prances around in heels and skirts, let you punish her and the two of you look at dresses together? Is this really an act or.. No wait, better question. Let's back up, I didn't get a chance to talk to you about your daughter going out on a date with my little brother."

"Oh yes! So much has happened, let me show you something." Amanda said excitedly as she stood up from her chair to sit next to April in the adjacent seat for visitors. Amanda pulled up some photos and handed the phone to April. The first image was one April took back at the picnic. As she scrolled through them she saw an image where Bailey and Mr. Connor's daughter were sleeping, leaning on each other like they had fallen asleep watching tv on the couch. She saw a few more showing her boss's sister with the two girls looking happy. The next photo she came to was seeing Bailey in a maroon off the shoulder dress, posing with one hand on her hip and the other up like saying 'Tada!'.

The photo after was the blonde girl with her brother who she could tell right away by his posture how nervous he was, even if her own mother hadn't told her about the boy pacing around their house before the date. Handing the phone back to Amanda, April took in a deep breath. "Bailey looks comfortable as a girl, and the way she dresses. Are you picking out her clothes?"

Taking back her phone Amanda scrolled to the image from the other night of Bailey doing chores all dressed up. "Oh she dresses herself, and she now does chores." Amanda said the last part with glee. "Most of the chores." she corrected.

"Do you think Bailey might be enjoying this? I mean… I know you two, how do I say this delicately. Fuck like rabbits, but those photos tell a story, and please tell me Bailey isn't still walking around like some girl in heat." Amanda laughed hard enough to snort.

"My god she does do that, I think Bailey must have watched some runway models and just over committed to get it right. Though to answer your question, sometimes I see her smiling having fun and I wonder if Bailey had to grow up too fast. His… her parents were good, but they made Bailey start working at a young age at their store and were suddenly gone close to the same time. I think Bailey is enjoying the time she gets to be without worries and stress of the real world, like finding a job in this tough market. Though I do not believe for a second he enjoys the girly part. You should see how often Bailey blushes, and the other day he got so embarrassed the poor dear cried. Can you imagine my Bailey crying? The Bailey I was dating wanted to spend all day in bed, fucking. As you so vulgarly put it Miss Gates, this just feels like a different person." Amanda said, giving her friend a pointed look when she said fucking.

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