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"What in the actual fuck have you done? Take me back to Evermore

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"What in the actual fuck have you done? Take me back to Evermore. Now. I don't want to be here," I growl, attempting to yank my arm away from Cane, but to no avail. He has an iron grip on my elbow, and while he isn't hurting me, there is no amount of pulling I can do that will free me.

He says nothing as we stand in the middle of what appears to be a frozen wasteland. I look around and all I see is fucking snow. How did we go from being on a tropical island—even if it was a little gray and overcast for my taste—to what looks like the North Pole? I twist and look over my shoulder as much as possible, and I can vaguely see lights from what appears to be a village through the swirling flurries.

"Please stand still, coelhinha," Cane mutters. "I have to undo these wards on the house so we can get inside before you freeze to death, and all your squirming is not helping."

"I will move and 'squirm' as much as I want to if it will give me a chance to get away from you." I grumble. "And don't call me that; I'm not your little bunny."

He raises an eyebrow at me, one hand raised as though he's about to cast some kind of spell. "So you do speak Portuguese."

"No. I just asked someone who does what it meant. Around the same time I figured out that your brother also doesn't speak it. You slipped on that one, genius," I snap, my teeth beginning to chatter with the cold. My adrenaline is wearing off and I'm realizing just how godsdamn cold it is out here. I'm still wearing my sleeveless dress from the masquerade ball.

A smirk turns up the corner of Cane's mouth. "Clearly it wasn't too big of a slip because you took too long to notice, and here you are...on my front doorstep," he says, and I want to punch him right in the nose.

"Against my will, Cane!"

"Maybe," he says, dismissing me like my thoughts on being kidnapped are simply my opinion and not the truth. He shrugs off his blazer and drapes it over my shoulders.

"What are you doing?" I say, recoiling from his touch.

"I'm giving you my jacket, Delia. It's below zero out here, and you're wearing barely any clothes," he says, looking at me like I'm missing the most obvious question on the most basic accounting exam.

I want to refuse it, push it back at him, throw it in the snow...but I also don't want to die of hypothermia. So I slide my arms in the sleeves and, with a lack of manners that would make my mother die of embarrassment, say and do nothing that remotely resembles a thank you.

He just raises his hand again, then chants an incantation that sounds like Latin, but I can't be sure.

What appears before me makes me forget for half a second that I'm freezing cold and kidnapped by my boyfriend's (ex-boyfriend's? I don't even know) asshole brother. If this house is where Cane lives, I have to wonder why in the hell he picked the fucking Arctic Circle to build it. And for Zeus's sake, it's not even a house.

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