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Things between Cane and I have changed

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Things between Cane and I have changed. We have grown closer, and with that, I've come to trust him in a way I did not expect. Perhaps it is our soul bond. Or maybe our connection just muddles feelings. I can't help but feel like that was the case for Elias and me. And that is why I have held off on taking that last leap with Cane and inviting him inside of my body in the most intimate of ways.

He seems happy to accept whatever physical attention I give him. I haven't heard any complaints, which is good because I enjoy getting lost in the feeling of lust and not wracking my brain about what went wrong with Elias.

Everything was so complex with the other twin. I was learning about all the things I never knew existed. Even with all the overwhelming new truths, we were simple. Our connection was effortless. It only made sense that it would bloom into a romance that swept me off my feet. And if I'm being honest with myself, I miss what we had.

Cane nudges me with his elbow and tilts his head toward the television mounted above the fireplace. "Are you paying attention to this movie? You look like you're off in some deep thought. This was supposed to be a night of relaxing."

I look over at him and rest my head against his shoulder, settling in beside him. "I'm sorry. Honestly, I was thinking about how close you and I have gotten."

His hand moves to my upper thigh and his fingers curve around the inside. "Is that right? I find myself thinking about how close we've been as well. It's never close enough though, is it?"

I turn in toward him and rest my palm on his chest, running my finger between his pecs. "No, never quite close enough. But not only physically...I really trust you, Cane. And maybe I shouldn't be admitting that out loud, maybe it's silly, maybe my feelings are more in it than yours, but I—I mean, did you expect this?"

A faraway look crosses his face, and he goes silent. I wait with bated breath as he thinks, hoping he reciprocates a fraction of what I feel. "I didn't expect this, but I have to admit how thrilled I am that it has turned out this way." His grip on my thigh gets tighter as he faces me. With his other hand, he brushes my hair from my face. "This is more than I ever pictured happening between us."

Is that what I wanted him to say? Is that the same thing as having feelings for me? Or does he just like the physical part? Fuck's sake, I hate that I'm overthinking this right now because disappearing into these moments with Cane is what's kept my head above water. But as I've always known, physical acts for me don't come without feelings.

Especially when he's my soul-bonded mate.

Maybe this isn't the right thing to do, maybe I should just let it go and be in the moment, but I can't focus on him and enjoy this until I know.

"But do you feel something for me, Cane?"

"Of course I feel for you, Cordelia. I thought what we share goes without saying. It's the most intense feelings I've ever had for someone else."

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