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The glass of bourbon in my hand is nothing more than a distraction

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The glass of bourbon in my hand is nothing more than a distraction. The spicy liquor won't drown my concerns and give me the warm and fuzzy feeling of being careless. It will barely hinder my senses. No, the only thing that will give me the escape I crave is nestled in my guest room fast asleep.

It took Cordelia several moments to settle in. I listened as she placed a chair in front of her door and paced the room. The rustling of fabric told me that she spent some time debating removing her ballgown, but eventually did. Her heartbeat finally set to a slow, steady rhythm that matched her breathing. I wonder if her body gave up from exhaustion or if she finally came to her senses and realized I wouldn't harm her.

I sip my whiskey and lean back into the couch, ripping my gaze from the direction of her room. The flames in the stone fireplace erratically dance around, warming the space as never-ending flurries drift from the sky. The walls made of windows were meant to make me feel free, to remind me that an entire realm was mine for the taking. But since bringing Cordelia here against her will, it feels like a prison. Granted, it's a designer prison with a staff included. But still a prison.

"Is there anything else you need from us before we go?" Ruth asks from the entry to the kitchen.

I pivot to face her noticing she's dropped her glamour. White fur covers her tall frame and long lashes surround her other-worldly blue eyes. It's the long teeth jetting from their lower jaw that makes some Yetis terrifying, but Ruth always reminded me of a stuffed animal found on a child's bed.

"Erik will bring the clothes I ordered for Ms. Cordelia with him in the morning. And I will return in the afternoon to make her second meal."

I nod, grateful that she is willing to go above and beyond for my guest. I've had no need to cook proper meals in some time. Cordelia is already repulsed by me and I'm sure that offering her a warm glass of sheep's blood in the morning isn't going to win me any points with her.

"Please don't forget to place that order in the human realm for me. It is important. And take the rest of the cinnamon rolls for your little monsters."

"Thank you, Mr. Dagon. You have a good evening."

I grit my teeth fighting to urge to correct her. It doesn't matter how many times I tell her to address me by my first name, she always slips back to formalities.

"You too, Ruth," is all I say in return.

I've never minded being alone. Well, that isn't necessarily true. When Elias and I were younger, we were always together. I never wanted to be apart from my older brother for a second. He'd been born four minutes before me; therefore, existing in the world without him was a thing I'd never had to experience.

But when Elias betrayed me, I'd become accustomed to it. It became my reality, my every day. Then I found this village and the Yeti, and I settled here because it was a balance—I could be alone when I wanted and socialize when I felt the need.

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