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The past week has been a whirlwind of activity—training, exploring, relaxing, and a ton of long conversations

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The past week has been a whirlwind of activity—training, exploring, relaxing, and a ton of long conversations. So, I shouldn't be surprised when I wake up coughing in the middle of the night. The force of it causes me to sit up in bed immediately. My head is pounding, and I have sinus drainage from hell.

Ugh, I hate these end of summer colds. How did I think I would avoid it just because I'm living in Aevum now, especially when I've spent afternoons out in the cold. I cough again and glance down at Cane, who shifts onto his other side, and I take that opportunity to slide out of bed.

As soon as my feet hit the hardwood, I feel it. That telltale tightness in my chest. I'm not having an attack yet, but it could easily turn into one.

I need my inhaler. I tiptoe across the room and close the door behind me with a quiet click and make my way to my room. Pulling the backpack I took when I ran away out from under my bed, I retrieve the plastic canister out of the side pocket, and when I shake it, my heart sinks.

It's empty.

I put the inhaler to my lips and inhale anyway, and I get less than half of a puff of medication, which doesn't do much to combat the shortness of breath.

Fuck. I never asked him about getting me more inhalers. How could I be so stupid?

I dig through the other pockets in the backpack, looking for a second inhaler, even though I already know there isn't one. I know there can't be. Because the only one I had was the one Cane was carrying around the island for me...

My heart squeezes when I remember that little tidbit, which doesn't help the tightness in my chest situation.

Being with Cane this past week in our new...situationship has honestly done a number on my heart rate as it is. He hardly lets me out of his sight, but it's no longer because he thinks I'm going to run away or because he doesn't trust me not to go through his stuff—the man always wants to be close to me.

We are always near each other, sometimes even touching, even the smallest of touches gets me all twisted up inside—his legs ending up tangled with mine when we sleep, my head resting on his shoulder as we watch tv on the couch, our fingers intertwined as we walk down the streets of the Yeti village, which I have since learned is called Snjókarlaþorp, which is literally Icelandic for Snowman Village. Cane informing me of that fact was the cutest thing I've seen or heard in a while.

Believe me, I know it's bizarre. To be with Elias's twin brother after being with him. But I'm mated to Cane too. I can't ignore my connection with him any more than I can ignore being a Dreamwalker.

Cane is a part of me.

So is Elias. But he fucked that up.

I cough again, startling myself with the volume of it. It's been a long time since I've woken up feeling like this, and the last time, it was because I was sick with the flu. For fuck's sake, I hope that's not what's wrong now.

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