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I didn't know there were shopping centers with Italian restaurants in Aevum, but I'm standing in front of one right now, wearing clothes that are certainly not warm enough for the snowy climate

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I didn't know there were shopping centers with Italian restaurants in Aevum, but I'm standing in front of one right now, wearing clothes that are certainly not warm enough for the snowy climate.

But the warm breeze alerts me that I'm not in Cane's territory anymore, and the Italian restaurant I'm standing in front of is one of my favorites in my hometown. And the edges of my vision are hazy and otherworldly.

This is a dream.

"Cordelia?" A familiar voice I've been dying to hear for weeks is so clear behind me that I am almost afraid to turn around, afraid that this dream will dissolve as soon as I do.

But I can't stand it; I have to see my dad's face.

I spin around and immediately fling myself into my father's arms. "Daddy! You came into my dream! I've been working so hard to learn how to bring you in on purpose, and it finally worked!" I glance around. "I guess all my daydreaming about Vito's lasagna set the scene for us."

He chuckles but it's through what sounds like a sob. "Baby girl, where are you? You were supposed to be home weeks ago and your phone is going straight to voicemail" he says, pulling me as close as he can and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I revel in his familiar scent—Old Spice and menthol shaving cream.

I shake my head, tears filling my eyes and spilling over onto his sweater. "I'm fine, physically, but no, Daddy. I don't know where I am. Somewhere in the supe realm and cold. Elias's brother, Cane took me on the last night of Wicked Encounters."

He pulls his lips into a tight smile and says, "I know. We have friends looking for you, but we've come up empty handed at every turn."

"What do you mean you know? How?"

Dad's gray eyes cloud with sadness. "Elias came to us and told us everything. He says his brother is dangerous, Cordelia. You have to keep your guard up."

My heart squeezes in my chest. "Elias came to you? He found you? But—but how? I never even told him where I lived, what town I was from or anything."

"He didn't say, and I didn't ask any questions beyond your wellbeing. He took full responsibility and promised to find you, but he didn't want your mother and I left with a missing daughter and no answers."

I chew my lip and debate telling my dad about the primal bond, but that's just too embarrassing. If Elias didn't mention being able to find me...Why would he go through the trouble of going to my parents if he could just snap his fingers and get to me? What is he playing at?

"How was he? Like, emotionally?" I ask, wringing the hem of my shirt in my hands.

He shrugs, and says, "I don't know him, but he appeared pretty distraught. He kept saying he would get you back, but I have to wonder, do you want to come back? His brother is your soul bonded too, is he not?"

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