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I have never been more attracted to Cordelia than I am right now

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I have never been more attracted to Cordelia than I am right now. I am so fucking proud of the progress she has made in her training; even though she sees the death of the animal as a tragedy, in time she will come to realize that this was merely the first step of her journey to the very top.

Even though I have tried to tell her in more ways than one, she has no idea how fucking powerful she is. What she can do with her mind is incomparable, even to a vampire.

The moment I was turned, I was transformed into the strongest and the fastest of the supernatural creatures. The ones on the top of the food chain, if you want to think of it that way.

Because of who my sire is, because of who I am...I am made to rule.

And if I am made to rule, Cordelia is made to stand beside me. To be my queen.

I just have to make her understand what it will take to make that happen. That's the part I'm not so sure about, and I know I have some making up to do for today. Not to mention whatever the hell I did the other day after our tryst on the couch that had her so upset.

Moving her hair aside, I lean forward and brush my lips over her jawline. "I know you're sad, coelhinha, and I'm sorry for how callous I was. It was inexcusable. Sometimes I forget human emotions after being a vampire for so long, and I hate that I hurt you."

She doesn't flinch away from my touch like I was afraid she would, and she glances up at me in the mirror before whispering, "Is that really all it was?"

"I know you don't feel the same, but I'll admit that I was proud of you for doing something so difficult with your power. My excitement over that got the best of me."

She leans into me a little, and that is all I need to know forgiveness will come sooner rather than later. I've never been quick to admit when I'm wrong, but for her, I can do that.

"Let me make it up to you. I'll have Ruth prepare your favorite dish, and I'm sure I can come up with other ways to show you I'm sorry."

She inhales sharply and breaks eye contact with me, busying herself with washing her hands. Again.

"Dinner sounds good, but I'm feeling really tired, and I think I'm about to start my period or something. I've sort of lost track of my cycle since I've been here." She dries her hands and steps out of my reach, walking out of the bathroom. "You can come upstairs and nap with me though...I mean, if you want," she adds, gripping the doorframe and glancing over her shoulder at me on the way out.

I have no clue how to read what is going on with her. This feels like one of those situations where I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. It takes some fast thinking to find a response that won't send me up shit creek without a paddle.

"You go take a nap, and I'll work on the preparations for dinner. You've had a tough afternoon, and I don't want to distract you when you need the rest."

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