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I enter the palace just past midnight

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I enter the palace just past midnight. My emotions are shot, my brain is fried, and my heart is shattered beyond repair. No matter how hard I try, I can't shake the feeling that something is terribly wrong with Cordelia. Of course she is in danger with my brother—his intentions are never good, even if he thinks they are—but something else has nagged me since the last time I met her in a dream.

If you were as concerned as you say you are, you would have found me by now.

What the fuck does she think I'm doing with my time? Did I give her the impression that I have some kind of superior senses that allow me to track someone in any realm? Every day the questions gnaw away at me. It doesn't matter if she thinks those things. The truth is that she believes I've not found her by choice. Cordelia thinks I've given up on her.

I trudge up the empire staircase and stop at the landing, staring at the east wing. Time is running out in more ways than one. It is difficult to stay here when I know what awaits. Our realm is on the verge of chaos, and it's my fault. I didn't finish what I'd set out to do, and that has left all supernaturals teetering on a ledge. I have ignored other duties during my hunt for Cordelia, and I will have to face them soon enough.

"Tomorrow," I mumble and turn the opposite direction to my wing.

The dark hallways are lit by oil burning lamps, lined with antique furniture and priceless paintings. It reminds me of a musty museum. I can't imagine Cordelia living here, trapped in a massive home with hardly any windows. She would hate being kept out of the sun. Even on the island she struggled with the muted sunlight.

I turn the brass knob on my bedroom door and step inside. A fire burns in the fireplace and sitting before it in a high-backed chair is my best friend.

I spare her a glance before pulling off my jacket and saying, "I didn't know we were making surprise visits in the middle of the night."

"Well, when you go silent for days on end, I have no choice but to resort to breaking and entering."

I snort and set to work rolling up the sleeves of my shirt. The last thing she had to do was sneak her way into this house. Anyone on the staff would have happily let her in and given her free reign of the place.

"Are you going to tell me what the hell you've been doing?" she asks, getting up from her chair and strolling to where I stand in front of the closet.

"What do you think I've been doing, Lorelai? Going on a world tour of all-you-can-eat buffets? I've been looking for Cordelia," I snap.

She holds her hand up at me. "Whoa, now, Dracula, cool it with the attitude. When's the last time you fed? Are you about to have some kind of meltdown?"

"I've drank from small animals as I've been traveling."

"That's not going to cut it, and you know it. Especially since you've fed from Cordelia. You're craving something more substantial."

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