10 - lost and found.

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Trinity Sutton
Seattle, WA

My hand reached up to knock again but this time it didn't happen due to the door opening. Elias grabbed my hand and pulled me in quickly making me laugh. The game ended three hours ago and the team was now getting back to the hotel after spending a night out at a restaurant celebrating.

Of course they won.

A blow out game really. 44-16. It's like Seattle didn't even try.

His arms wrapped around my waist and since he was much taller than me my face stopped right below his shoulder as I hugged him back.

"I'm happy for y'all." I mumbled and he hummed letting me know he heard me. "You guys did so well and I know how much this game meant to you."

"Yeah, we deserved it." He pulled away and grabbed my hand leading me over to his bed. The smell of french fries filled my nose and I looked around seeing a tray of food there. He must've ordered room service for us. "A step closer to the bowl."

"I believe you'll get there." I smiled and slipped my converse off sitting down on his bed. My eyes watched as he grabbed the tray of food taking the lid off. "Oh, is this for moi?"

"Maybe." He chuckled. "I got us a bunch of shit. Pizza, fries, chicken fingers."

"Appreciate it," We got comfortable with the food and started to dig in.

"So let's get to know each other some more. I'm an open book with you and I'm not usually like that with people." I hummed thinking. I know Harrison mentioned the other day about something about his agent. I met her one time and she...was something. But I know she set Elias up with the big bucks- the commercials, appearances, brand deals- she got him money.

"What's going on with your agent?" I received a deep chuckle from that as he just popped a fry in his mouth. "A little birdie told me it's a lot going on with that."

"Harrison talk too much."

"I didn't want to name names." I laughed and he shook his head, sighing.

"She's good, don't get me wrong. She knows how to work the business well- I mean she's the one that got San Diego to agree to over $200 million for me and not to toot my own horn but as good as I am, I deserve it." He looked over at me and licked his lips before putting his attention back on his food. "But all that fighting shit and girls... that's her doing. She likes to create this image for me and I fall into it. It sounded good in the beginning but now I'm tired."

"So why do it?"

"Because Trinity...I got my heartbroken and the whole world knew about it's not a secret like I wished it was. I punched an old friend of mine during a game last season for it. So she thought how good would it be for me to create this bad boy persona that gets into fights and gets seen with pretty women? And the GP is eating it right up. My jersey sales skyrocket because everyone loves Elias Cains, the asshole."

"Understandable but I'm sure everyone would love Elias Cains the regular nice guy."

"Nah," He chuckled and I frowned. "I already sold this image they love, it's a wrap."

I don't like the way he changed the subject too much but I wasn't going to pester him about him eithe

"You can't get a new agent? I'm sure Harrison's is good."

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