16 - the sweetest taboo.

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San Diego
Sharp Memorial

Hospitals wasn't on Elias big list of favorite places to be. He avoided them actually. By any means necessary, he made sure to not step foot in a hospital. Which was why he always stayed extra careful when playing the games to not get hurt.

The machines. The white walls. The constant beeping from every room. The doctors. The nurses. The codes being yelled out over the loud speaker.

The whole experience terrified him. He respected the healthcare workers for what they did obviously.


Elias had his many fears.

All with a story behind them.

Trinity was bound to find out about his little life outside of his occupation as him with her, it was only a matter of time left.

They knew each other.

They felt like they knew each other to a good extent and sure they had a few more ways to go but when you know you met that someone, you just know. Finding out what their favorite color or favorite song is, is the last thing on your mind.

Elias got comfortable with Trinity after a week or two much faster than how it took him to open up to his best friends. Something about her pulled him in, he just couldn't pinpoint it yet. Yeah, the girl was pretty and had a good vibe but she had that thing that told him the second she stepped on that bus her first day that this was it.

Something he thought he had with his ex.

Something he was forcing but was happy didn't work out in the end which would've stopped him from meeting his water girl.

Grateful to have someone there that he could share experiences with on a deeper level.

Besides Harrison, nobody got him on the level he needed to be at until her.

So the girl sitting next to him in the hospital waiting room chair with her hand gently resting on his bouncing leg from nerves and was reassuring him every five minutes that it was okay got him.

"You need to relax before they hook you up to a machine for being too nervous," She joked trying to lighten the mood only for Elias to give her a side eye and Trinity make a face. "Too soon?"

"Maybe." He answered back smartly before sucking in a deep breath and tried to relax his shoulders. "I don't even know why I'm nervous like this."

"She's your mother, that's why." Trinity responded softly and Elias scoffed.


"Well, she wants to be. You the one who not giving her the time of day."

"Did we forget she stole from me?" He reminded her making Trinity sigh. Elias shook his head, getting irritated but not by Trinity; just the situation at hand. "I trusted her immediately and she took my shit and ran."

"Did you ever ask why? She's homeless, obviously she must've needed it-"

"To get high to the point her heart stop?!" Elias asked smartly, his voice slightly raised catching the attention of the nurses at the nurses station and another guest in the waiting room. Elias's eyes looked around before mumbling a soft 'sorry' to everyone before leaning back in his chair.

Trinity placed a hand on his back and turned her body to his the best to her ability in the seat, "Okay, I'm not defending her or anything. It's just...I was homeless before and sometimes you gotta do dumb shit to continue to get by so I get the struggle."

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