12 - giving thanks.

907 67 60

San Diego, CA

Standing with their backs against the wall of the elevator. Elias and Trinity stared at each other. The sexual tension growing bigger between them. Thanks to the small events taking place just moments ago in his car, to say they wanted to jump on each other right now was an understatement.

Trinity was picturing if she should let him go all the way tonight or if she should just let him get a little taste.

Something to hold them both over until the time is right.

Elias on the other hand....

He wanted to break her back on his countertop, against the wall, against the window, in his bed, on the floor, in the shower, in the tub. Every part of his apartment, he wanted to make sure he was touching her in.

A chuckle left his lips as the elevator dinged filling in the silence between them. "What's so funny?" Trinity questioned and he shook his head as they stepped out going down to his apartment.

"Nothing. Just think about the difference between now and like two months ago."

"Oh, when I saw you sneaking that girl in your room?" She brought up making his eyebrow raise with a slight smirk spreading across his face. Unlocking his door, they entered and he closed it behind them locking it back.

"What girl?" He teased her making Trinity roll her eyes. Before she even had a chance to clapback at him, his arm wrapped around her waist picking her up in his arms while her legs wrapped around his waist. "You better keep that little attitude for tonight."

Was all he said before kissing her. A moan left her lips feeling a bit turned on by the way he was talking to her and the kiss. All she's been surviving off of was his kisses and her vibrator at her house. She needed more.

A real release.

Elias led them over to the dining room table and sat her down gently on it while his hands crept underneath her thighs to pull her closer to the edge and spreading them more. His fingers trailed up to the button on her jeans and just when he undid it, Trinity broke the kiss catching him off guard.

"What's up?" He immediately asked breathing heavily. Elias licked his lips as he stared at her. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable. She seemed comfortable with it at the Pier, in the car, and in the elevator but if she wasn't down now, he definitely wasn't going to pressure her.

"Do we have to?" She asked him, his eyebrow raised. "No, wait. Let me rephrase because I want to...like really badly but like-"

"Baby, I won't force you to do shit you not feeling, Trin." He reassured her making her heart warm. "You want to keep kissing and shit, we can. You want me to give you something, we can. You want to sit and watch a movie instead, we can. I'm on your time,"

If she thought she liked him then, she definitely liked him more now.

She never gotten reassurance or her feelings put first before doing anything sexual. She wasn't a one night stand type of girl but the last time she did it, the guy definitely didn't care about her too much and was moreso focused on him.

Even with her ex.

Trinity bit her lip and looked at him in his eyes as he waited for her to tell him the next move. The hard on through his sweats was very evident and she knew she'd feel bad for leaving him like that all blue balled.

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