18 - back to square one.

749 56 58

Trinity Sutton
Philadelphia, PA

I've probably been to Philadelphia one other time in my life. And that one other time was when it was nice outside and not 35 degrees. Stepping off the plane and into the East Coast weather had to be one of the most insane feelings yet. I'm pretty sure all of us was freezing and I only brought one jacket and a hoodie with me.

Usually the boys would play around but everyone got onto the bus immediately not wasting a second.

Sniffling from the cold, I walked towards the back and took a seat in a empty seat across from Dallas who gave me a light smile that I returned. Harrison went to his usual spot which was the very last seat in the back and Elias was right behind with his eyes on me and I could tell he was wondering why I sat where I did instead of where he sat at.

To be real, a girl was keeping her distance from him.

Just slightly.

As bad as I wanted to sit by him and talk and secretly hold hands and all that. If I had to hear one more time about his ex and mine, I was going to lose it eventually.

Clearly, the dude still hasn't found closure with her and yeah, maybe he's moved on but he's still stuck on her in some ways without saying it.

Not only that, the whole world of sports knows my name. My Instagram was jumping now that my name was attached to Anthony and I know he hated it because he hated when people knew about me being attached to him.

Now headlines was talking about 'Who's the pretty water girl for San Diego?' or 'Which one of the Spartans will Embers ex Girlfriend go for?'

I still don't get how they got my name.

I was careful.

I or Anthony posted each other throughout our relationship. I never posted my job so you'd have to do some serious digging to know what I do.

Unless it was done inside.

Which was what I didn't want to believe but the main reason, I'm backing off of Eli physically. These past few days since our double date with Harrison and his fiancee, he's been texting me trying to get me to stay over but I had to pull the lie out and say I was on my period so it was no point of me doing so.

But him being the fucking sweetheart he is, tried to butter me up and say he'll buy me snacks, give me a massage, and any products I need.

And that only made me want him more.

Eli went to his spot across from Harrison and I turned my head putting my attention on my phone just as the bus started moving to our hotel.

The Philadelphia team was very good so to say I was nervous wasn't even how I would put it. SD was number one in the league and everyone just knew we was winning this season come February 12th but God forbid we lost today.

Not that a lose would affect our stand but it'd also give a bad image for the team and by team, I mean Harrison, the coach, and Eli.

People love to gang up on Eli and his bestie whenever a game isn't the best game yet and say maybe it was a mistake Elias joined with San Diego just for them to call him a MVP a week later.

It was sort of sick.

And sort of the reason I took on Sports Media as a career choice that I was pursuing. Being in that field and being able to push 10/10 narratives about my man would help his career and I want him to have the best.

The whole team actually. Whether they keep him or not but they'd be stupid not to.

"Trinity." Torrance snapped me out of my thoughts by reaching over and snapping his fingers in my face making me slap his hand away earning a laugh, "You ever been to Philly?"

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