Chapter no.9 Rat King

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A dozen Rat Spearman, under the command of their Rat King, hastened towards the source of the disturbance, their ranks visibly divided by the condition of their weapons. Those leading the charge brandished the shiniest, most meticulously maintained spears, while those following held spears that were noticeably duller and less cared for.

As the group neared a particular room, they noticed one of their own gesturing towards a scatter of scrolls on the ground. 

With cautious steps, they approached, eyes scanning for any sign of the enemy. 

Suddenly, the quiet was shattered by the sound of something hitting the floor. 

They spun around to see a grinning Rat Spearman, but as a smoke bomb erupted, his form dissolved into the smoke, revealing Naruto who taunted, "Word of advice, don't combine smoke and explosions, Dattebayo."

Before they could react, Naruto sprinted away, leaving a few quicker Spearman snapping at his heels. 

But they were too late. 

"Fuin Release!" Naruto shouted, and there was an explosive boom.

The explosion, magnified by the smoke, was catastrophic.  

The smoke particles increased the rate of combustion, making the explosion much more intense. 

The dense smoke acted like a fuel, causing a rapid, violent expansion of gases that instantaneously vaporized the Rat Spearman closest to the blast. 

Those slightly farther away were slammed with such force into the hall walls that their bodies were reduced to paste upon impact.

Naruto gazed at the aftermath of his explosive strategy. 

The room where the explosion had occurred was a scene of devastation. 

The walls were blackened and scarred, fragments of the destroyed door were scattered everywhere, and a heavy, acrid smell of smoke hung in the air. 

As he stood in the hallway, slightly away from the epicenter, Naruto could see the floor littered with debris and the plaster from the ceiling dusted down like a light snowfall. 

"Next time, pick a better strategy because that was too close," Naruto thought, wiping the sweat from his brow.

From the smoky haze of the damaged room, a single spearman emerged—or rather, stumbled out. 

Calling it a walk was a stretch; it was more like a faltering fall down the hall. 

The creature didn't move with any purpose but it wasn't dead either. Its form was eerily still, its body completely charred, a blackened silhouette against the lesser-damaged hallway.

Deciding to put it out of its misery, Naruto carefully aimed a kunai. With a swift, practiced motion, he threw it, watching as it spun through the air and embedded itself into the monster's throat. 

The spearman's body jerked once with the impact, then slumped down in a heap, finally still. 

[ Congratulations! You have defeated dungeon monster ×12 ]

[ 120 EXP has been earned ]

Naruto glanced at the notification, but quickly shifted his attention back to the fallen monster. 

He watched as the Rat Spearman's body shimmered and turned to gold, then disappeared. 

He had noticed this with most of the monsters he had defeated. 

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