Chapter no.86 Leaf-Style Kenjutsu

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The ANBU took the steel, spiraling staircase to climb to the second-floor gangway. She immediately went for a door that was exactly above where the original corridor ended. Opening the panel, this one marked "dojo", the female ANBU led the clone down yet another hallway with doors leading to dojo one either sides. Cat stopped in front of a completely nondescript door and opened it, revealing a square room with a wooden floor. The clone gulped when he noticed dark splatter marks on the wooden lattice.

"You will train your swordsmanship here with me. You are not to use a dojo alone. I will come and fetch you." The ANBU explained before stepping in.

The clone followed promptly and Cat closed the door, kneeled to spread open a scroll she had fished from a pouch, and unsealed its content. It was a straight, singled edged sword with a relatively short blade, a little bit under seventy centimeters in length. The edge of the blade was a light grey with almost indiscernible wave patterns in the steel while the top was a darker shade in color.

"This is a chokuto. As taijutsu is often insufficient to wound an opponent if it is not heavily chakra-enhanced, all ninja and particularly ANBU are required to learn kenjutsu. I will teach you." Cat said, presenting Clone-Naruto with the handle of the sword.

"Teacher, I have a friend named Tenten, and she has taught me some kenjutsu," Naruto said with a hint of pride in his voice.

Cat looked at him, her expression curious. "How much have you been taught?" she inquired, her tone neutral yet probing.

Naruto's chest swelled with confidence. "Enough to be called a master," he declared boldly.

Cat let out a sigh.

She unsheathed her own chokuto, the blade gleaming in the dim light of the dojo. "Let's do a spar then, and we'll see if you truly are a master," she said, her voice tinged with a mocking sarcasm.

Naruto caught the undertone in her voice but just smiled in response. He took a stance, perfect and practiced, causing Cat to pause for a moment. She studied him, then took her stance as well, her movements precise and fluid.

With a sudden burst of speed, Naruto lunged forward, his blade arcing in a precise, basic slash aimed at Cat's midsection. She deftly parried, the sound of steel ringing through the dojo. Naruto didn't relent, quickly following up with another basic but perfectly executed horizontal cut, forcing Cat to step back.

Cat showcased the fluidity and unpredictability of an ANBU's style. She countered with a series of rapid thrusts, each aimed with lethal precision. Naruto, however, responded with equally swift movements, his swordplay a dance of foundational techniques honed to near perfection. He blocked and parried, his blade moving in tight, controlled patterns.

The clash of their swords was a rhythmic symphony in the otherwise silent dojo. Naruto, maintaining his offensive stance, executed a series of vertical and diagonal strikes, each cut clean and deliberate. Cat met each attack with a counterstrike.

In a swift change of tactics, Naruto feinted a high attack only to swiftly redirect his blade in a low sweep. Cat anticipated the move, jumping back gracefully, her counter a swift, slicing arc aimed at Naruto's shoulder. He narrowly dodged, rolling away and regaining his stance in one fluid motion.

The fight escalated with Naruto trying to break through Cat's defenses with a barrage of basic, yet masterfully executed, attacks. He struck from different angles, attempting to find an opening, but Cat's defense was like an impenetrable wall. She deflected each of Naruto's attacks with practiced ease, her own blade moving in a blur of motion.

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