Chapter no.126 Betrayal?

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Iruka had been able to determine the general modus operandi. Many students had been actively sabotaged, their result falsified one way or another, if a bit too tellingly, by an unidentified third party. Iruka was sure that no teachers had been actively involved in the modifications. They had however been asked to turn a blind eye to any inconsistencies they could find in their students' results.

The trail stopped with a mysterious, apparently official looking assignment all incriminated teachers had apparently received years ago yet could not find again.

It reeked but it in a weird way, if Hiruzen had to be honest. Firstly, the falsification of the students' work had been amateurish. Secondly, Iruka and a few other teachers had never received the orders, which was a flaw. If Iruka had decided to correct a few tests he wasn't supposed to, the plan could have been uncovered. It was as if whoever was behind everything had wanted the operation to be discovered. At the same time, the letters had all disappeared, the involved teachers having probably destroyed them even if those who had been interrogated by T&I assured they had no recollection of ever doing so.

It meant their best lead was dead, given that the conveniently clumsy saboteur would not strike before classes started again. If he was even going to continue his job. There was no reason for the infiltrator to stop unless he'd somehow caught wind of the secret investigation, but apparently, some secrets were not guarded well enough if Konoha could be infiltrated like that. Which meant the culprit possibly already knew that his operation was endangered.

Which opened a third point. Whoever the enemy was: he had a man inside the place, was an ancient Konoha shinobi with a relatively high-level clearance, or had a way to buy or steal a high-level clearance code. There was absolutely no way to forge a mission order, various security procedures made sure of that. If the teachers had received fake orders, they had to have received it from the official source.

But orders to directly sabotage the education of the Academy students for years would have never gone past the mission assignment desk save in two cases: they were encoded or someone at the Desk had sold out to the enemy.

If a mission was highly-ranked, the orders could be encrypted so that those in the know were restricted. Any and all ANBU movements, for example, were processed that way -even if it was incredibly weird but every administration had its own share of stupidity after all- so that plausible deniability could be a thing.

The one processing the mission at the assignment desk only had to verify the validity of a credential code that came with the encrypted mission orders and if the calculators gave a positive, the mission orders were stamped and sent back out to whoever had opened the request. Sending the orders was then at that person's charge, no questions asked.

This could mean that a part of the cryptanalysis squad was suspect, which was a headache. Or that someone at the Mission Assignment Desk had shifting loyalties, which was a pain in the ass. Considering all those brave ninjas were supposedly some of the most loyal shinobi available to Hiruzen, it was overall painful.

A cross-examination from T&I would take time and was generally one very unpleasant thing to go through. For a loyal ninja to have his allegiance doubted was insulting. Shinobi had no honor on the battlefield but it did not mean they did not have any honor at all. In a world of cheaters and assassins, being wrongly accused of treason was terribly offensive, as loyalty to the village was the only loyalty one could afford to uphold.

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