Chapter no.87 Chakra Burst

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Naruto's clone followed Dog into the training ground, which was segmented into three distinct sections. The first was a tall wall, the second a sizable lake, and the third a glassy altar.

"How many chakra control exercises have you done?" Dog asked, her voice tinged with a note of annoyance.

Naruto picked up on her tone but chose to ignore it. "I've done the Leaf Sticking exercise," he replied with his usual casual confidence.

Dog's annoyance became more apparent. "Well, this training ground is designed to help recruits improve their chakra control," she explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

Naruto nodded in understanding. "Got it! So, wall walking, water walking, and then something with that slippery altar, right?" he said, eager to start.

"Exactly. Walk on the walls using chakra control, then do the same on the water, and finally, go to the center of the altar. I'll explain the next step there," Dog instructed, maintaining her professional demeanor despite her clear annoyance.

Naruto approached the wall, focusing his chakra to his feet. He let his skill in chakra control take over, smoothly starting his vertical ascent up the wall.

The water walking proved more challenging. It took him about an hour of attempts, but gradually, Naruto mastered the technique. During this time, he could feel his Chakra Control skill improving significantly.

[ Skill: Chakra Control - Level 7 ]

[ Description: Advanced mastery in chakra control, crucial for shinobi. This skill provides refined manipulation and conservation of chakra, allowing for more effective and efficient use in various jutsu. ]

[ Passive Enhancements: ]

  - [ Chakra Efficiency: Decreases chakra consumption by 40% for all jutsu. ]

  - [ Chakra Recovery Rate: Improves passive chakra regeneration by 25%. ]

  - [ Precise Control: Increases the precision of chakra manipulation, enhancing the effectiveness of chakra-based techniques. ]

  - [ Enhanced Stamina: Reduces physical and mental fatigue from prolonged chakra use, allowing for extended engagements. ]

[ Active Enhancements: ]

  - [ Chakra Surge: Temporarily increases chakra flow, boosting the effectiveness of jutsu by 50% for 60 seconds. Activation consumes additional chakra. ]

  - [ Focus Boost: For 60 seconds, significantly enhances concentration, increasing the success rate of complex jutsu by 30%. ]

  - [ Chakra Shield: Ability to form a protective chakra barrier, reducing incoming damage by 20% for 30 seconds. ]

  - [ Elemental Affinity Boost: Temporarily enhances the user's elemental chakra affinity, increasing elemental jutsu power by 35% for 45 seconds. ]


With a snort, Dog watched as a wet Naruto clone finally made his way across the water to the glassy altar. The altar's surface was extremely slippery, every movement altering the coating on the floor, making it difficult to maintain balance.

"Whoa, this is tricky!" Naruto exclaimed as he wobbled on the altar's slippery surface. His grin never faded, his enthusiasm undiminished by the challenge.

"But I've got this. Just watch me master it!"

Dog let out a snort, clearly unimpressed. "This portion is just the finish line. You don't have to master anything. Congratulations! You've finished level 1 of the chakra control exercises."

"Level 1?" Naruto echoed, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Yes, level 1," Dog replied, hitting the altar. Immediately, Naruto saw the water in the lake start to move, while the wall transformed into a series of shifting tiles. He gulped at the sight, realizing the complexity of the next level.

"That's level 2. You'll tackle that tomorrow. But before that, you have an exercise called Chakra Burst to do," Dog explained.

"Chakra Burst?" Naruto asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Exactly. Given the dangerous scenarios ANBU operatives are often in, we need to be able to gain boosts in power for short periods. Chakra Burst is a technique that allows us to do just that," Dog clarified.

Naruto nodded, absorbing the information. "Sounds awesome! I'm ready to learn it. A power boost could come in handy in so many situations!" His voice was filled with excitement, already anticipating the new technique.

Dog's expression remained professional, but her tone carried a slight edge. "It's not as simple as you think. Chakra Burst requires precise control and timing. It's powerful, but it can be dangerous if not handled correctly."

"So, what do I do first ?" Naruto asked.

"Release your chakra outside your body."

A little confused, Naruto asked.

"How do I do that ?"

"What is your question exactly?" The teenage girl answered, nonplussed.

"How do I do this skill?"

The ANBU hummed and drummed the fingers of her right hand against her mask. "I told you, you just have to push chakra out of your body in the form of a burst, newbie."

Naruto-clone just gave the ANBU a deadpan look behind his mask. "And how do I do that exactly?"

"With chakra."

The replica felt a vein throb on his forehead.

"That's not an explanation."

"Not my fault you're too stupid to get it."

The blond sneered before he clicked his tongue. "Tch. You're just like everyone else." He mumbled before turning his back to the ANBU.

She was like all those teacher at the Academy who would not pay attention to him when he would ask a question or send him out because they deemed his questions stupid. Of course, Naruto could not have expected all three of his instructors to be different. That two of them would teach him properly was already good, he supposed.

"What do you mean like everyone else?"

"You answer nothing. Whatever, I'll figure it out," answered Naruto-clone while waving the question away, not turning to look at the girl.

[ Hybrid Quest Alert ]

[ Quest: Master Chakra Burst Technique ]

[ Objective: Develop precise control over your chakra to learn the Chakra Burst technique. ]

  - [ Remove Chakra Imbalance status. ]

  - [ Advance Chakra Control Skill to Level 15. ]

[ Reward: Skill 'Chakra Burst'. ]

[ Failure: Failure to achieve the objectives will result in removal from ANBU training. ]

[ Action Required: Confirm acceptance to undertake the training necessary for mastering Chakra Burst and eliminating the Chakra Imbalance status. ]

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