Chapter no.80 Pink Muscles?!

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Naruto swallowed hard as he took in the sight of the training hall—or as Tiger had ominously named it, "The Warmer."

It was a daunting sight: a massive hole that plunged one kilometer straight down into the earth.

But the depth was not the most shocking part.

The entire pit was lined with traps, not the usual kind, but Fuinjutsu traps—complex, seal-based mechanisms designed to test and torment.

"Scared?" Tiger asked, a hint of challenge in his tone.

Naruto could only nod in response, his usual bravado subdued by the intimidating sight.

"Good, because by next week you have to be able to make it back and forth from this Warmer in three hours," Tiger declared, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.

Naruto stared at the man, wondering if he had lost his mind.

How could anyone traverse this deathtrap in such a short time?

Tiger seemed to read his doubts. Stepping forward, he said simply, "Demonstration."

Then, with a swift motion, he tossed a telescope to Naruto.

"Watch closely."

Naruto watched in awe as Tiger's chakra seemed to intertwine seamlessly with his muscles, giving off a palpable energy that vibrated through the air.

"Let's begin," Tiger announced before he leapt into the gaping hole, his feet firmly planting against the vertical surface as he utilized the wall-walking technique to descend rapidly.

As Tiger descended, the first trap sprang to life: spikes shot out of the walls at irregular intervals.

With an almost casual grace, Tiger twisted his body mid-air, timing his movements perfectly to use an extending spike as a foothold, propelling himself deeper into the hole.

He landed on a narrow ledge just as a giant circle of flames erupted around him. Naruto observed a swirl of chakra around Tiger's calves, amplifying his speed as he sprinted forward, leaping through a second ring of flames that appeared in his path.

The next obstacle was a series of giant, oscillating blades that sliced through the air like massive ceiling fans. Tiger approached, slowed his pace, and timed his jumps meticulously. He weaved through the deadly blades with precision—once, twice, twenty times—each jump calculated and swift, avoiding the slicing edges by mere centimeters.

Deeper into the pit, mechanical snakes with spiked scales slithered along tracks on the walls and floor. Tiger used the spikes as steps, his feet barely touching each surface before launching to the next. Just as he navigated past the snakes, shurikens began to shoot from hidden alcoves in the walls. Tiger's reactions were lightning-fast; he dodged and weaved, his body bending and twisting in a dance of survival.

As he approached the next trap, Tiger faced a web of laser beams crisscrossing the narrow passage.

Each beam was a potential trigger for an unseen calamity. Crouching low, Tiger moved with fluid precision, his body contorting impossibly as he slipped through gaps in the lasers, never triggering an alarm.

Following the laser maze, the tunnel opened into a wider chamber seals creating this chamber of a sandstorm.

Tiger didn't hesitate.

He sprinted towards the treacherous mid-jump, he threw kunai with precision to embed them into the opposite wall.

Using them as anchors, he swung across the chamber using a chakra wire.

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