Chapter no.146 Let's Make a Deal

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In the midst of the battlefield, the air was thick with an overwhelming sense of hopelessness.

Tiger, wounded and weary, felt the weight of desperation bearing down on him. Dog was doing her best to apply medical ninjutsu to Tiger's injuries, but the severity of the situation was evident in her furrowed brow. Nearby, Cat, equally battered from the previous battles against Guren and her squad.

They were up against a foe who was beyond anything they had ever faced.

A monster in the guise of their comrade, unstoppable and seemingly invincible.

Dog was powerless in this fight. Tiger could see the immense fear in her eyes.

With limited options and their backs against the wall, Tiger knew they had to play their last card.

"Step back, I'm going to use this," he said. Dog and Cat didn't argue; they knew better than to question Tiger in such a critical moment.

"Your command?" they asked in unison, ready to follow his lead.

"We only have one shot at this, let's make it count, ladies," Tiger stated, a plan forming in his mind. Dog and Cat nodded in agreement.

From his pocket, Tiger retrieved a small, red ball. Its appearance was unassuming, but its potency was well-known to them.

[ Item]

  - [ Name: Red Chili Pill ]

    [ Description: A potent medicinal pill developed by the Akamicki clan, known for its ability to temporarily open the first five chakra gates without any prior training. Originally exclusive to the Akamicki clan, these pills are now distributed to high-ranking anbu for emergency use, thanks to the influence of Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage. The pill grants a significant boost in physical capabilities but comes with severe repercussions, causing immense strain on the body's muscles post-use, often leaving even elite ANBU incapacitated. ]

    [ Usage Duration: Temporary ]

    [ Stat Effects: ]

      - [ STR: +50 during active phase ]

      - [ AGI: +50, significantly increasing speed and reflexes ]

      - [ CON: +40, enhancing resilience temporarily ]

    [ Active Boosts: ]

      - [ Chakra Gate Activation: Temporarily unlocks the first four chakra gates, massively amplifying physical abilities. ]

      - [ Enhanced Combat Performance: Drastically improves combat efficiency, speed, and strength for the duration of the pill's effect. ]

    [ Side Effects: ]

      - [ Post-Usage Strain: Causes severe muscle damage and fatigue, resulting in temporary immobilization and inability to move post-use. ]

[ Duration: 5 minutes ]

As tiger consumed it, a rush of blood surged through his veins, turning his skin a deep shade of red. A burst of chakra enveloped him, glowing green as it infused his body with a sudden surge of power.

His hands, now emanating a greenish glow, were ready to unleash his ultimate jutsu. "Give me back my recruit," Tiger growled, his eyes fixed on the king.

The king nimbly dodged Tiger's initial attack, but the sheer force of it managed to chip away a piece of his chakra chain armor. Unfazed, the king retaliated with Lightning Style: Lightning Rat Violent Quake, surrounding himself with spinning discs of electricity. But Tiger continued his assault, managing to land a hit that pushed the king back despite his defenses.

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