Chapter no.155 Interrogation

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Today was the twelfth day since Naruto's awakening and it was also the boy's turn to make sure the batteries of the radiotelegraph were charged.

The blond was energetically turning a crank connected to a dynamo mechanism when the reception table started to crack with static before beeping along a coded sequence.

The blond excitedly abandoned his task and shook Dog awake before sitting in front of the reception post.

"Wah, whazat? What's happening?" The ANBU girl muttered groggily, still captive in the net of sleep.

"They are sending a message!" Naruto shout-whispered in answer.

"Wait…" The blond motioned for silence and closed his eyes, listening with rapt attention to the song made by the beeping sounds.

After a few seconds, the boy suddenly opened his eyes and smiled in Dog's general direction.

"Tiger is coming to fetch us, with a whole platoon to boot. We are going home! They'll be here in two days."

Dog groaned in relief.

Just two more days in this hole and they would be through.

She could cry of joy.

Thanks the Flames they were done.

Never again in Rice Country, not until ANBU upgraded their safe houses.

Safehouse, more like a safe dump, yeah. The only thing that worried her was the possible opposition from the Oto-nin. Naruto and she had been safe, hidden in their shack, and Dog had not sensed any hostile coming even close to their location but that did not mean the countryside and the frontier was not patrolled by ninja.

It was a bet really.

They could have tried to exfiltrate by themselves.

A group of two is nigh undetectable but if it is, itis slaughtered. An entire platoon, on the other hand, attracts more attention but can fight its way in and out. Tiger had estimated that coming back full steam with fourteen ANBU was the safest choice.

Now they just had to pass two days without murdering each other. Easier said than done but they had already twelve days of experience under the belt: two more days would not break them.

"You know how to send an acknowledgement?"

"Yes, yes. I'm on it."


Soon, Dog could hear the rhythmic tapping of the lever encoding their response over the faint buzzing of the emission machinery. It was lucky Naruto was a chakra tank with enough energy to power the device by himself.

After a week feeding on rations, Dog was feeling a bit faint.

The two days passed without incident. Dog kept teaching Naruto a variety of first aid and emergency procedures and began grilling him on his knowledge of anatomy.

It was maybe five in the morning, barely dawn, when Naruto's Mind's Eye blared, forcing him awake. He knew there were people at the fringe of his awareness. They were on guard, ready, and travelling fast. As it was Dog's turn to keep watch, he saw the ANBU was already preparing herself.

"Dog." The boy whispered.


"Someone is approaching."

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