Chapter no.135 Otokagure Shinobi

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It had begun as an itch, a grating sensation at the outer edges of his mind, the extreme limits of his perception.

The blond had resolutely ignored it, knowing it was nothing more than his two haunting ghosts.

But the sensation had changed, taking little by little more and more place at the forefront of his mind.

Something was coming, its chakra invading Naruto's senses.

Cat and he had been guarding the rear for two hours already, hopping from bushes to thickets to bushes, when the boy decided to speak to his senior.

He could not smell, see, or hear anything yet he knew something was coming.

Oh! His mind's eye has automatically activated.

He hadn't even noticed.

"Cat, I-"

The female ANBU silenced the boy with a sharp motion of her hand and gestured to stop and listen. Naruto immediately took a sharp breath and held it, focusing on his ears intently.

The sun, tinted orange and purple, was setting down slowly westward. It painted the vast, open rice fields in the same colors. Birds were singing and once in a while, the splashing sound of a fish jumping out of water could be heard.

At the edge of a copse of short, young trees, the two ANBUs waited.

A minute of stillness crawled past them, the sounds of the countryside muffling whatever Cat was searching for.

La whirled and faced an apparently random direction and started growling just as Naruto's ears started twitching.

Standing still, the blond faced the same direction as La, tension building up between his shoulder, the clear sensation of being observed making an itch appear at the back of his neck.

Four people, ninja, hundred meters or so.

[ Name: Kagero ]

[ Role: Enemy Ninja ]

[ Level: 16 ]


[ Name: Kamikiri (Curse Mark Inactive) ]

[ Role: Enemy Ninja ]

[ Level: 16 ]


[ Name: Jirōbō (Curse Mark Inactive) ]

[ Role: Enemy Ninja ]

[ Level: 16 ]


[ Name:  Jigumo (Curse Mark Inactive) ]

[ Role: Enemy Ninja ]

[ Level: 16 ]

The masked initiate signed to his officer.

Suddenly, the pressure on Naruto's mind changed to a burning sensation and the boy, out of instinct more than a conscious decision, ducked into a roll.

A strange contraption, resembling a pair of scissors, split the air where his head had been just a second ago.

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