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"Look at you!"Kel gave me a big hug as soon as I found them at the arena. Today's Alex's first game and he wanted us to go watch him play. He also gave us a jersey each, with his name and number on it.
"How do I look?" I do a spin excited. This is my first time wearing a hockey jersey. "Why he gave you this size? It's huge."she frowned, pulling her phone out. "Let's take a picture."she came closer and pressed her cheek on mine. "I'll post it on instagram."she said excited.

"Let's all take a picture."Josh and Pam came closer so we could take a selfie. "I'll send it to Alex."the man put his glasses on because he can't see well when the phone is close to his face.

"I think we should go find our seats. The boys are doing their pregame stretches."Kelly clapped her hands. "Dad, where are we going again?"

"I don't know, Alex said someone would take us to our seats."Josh shrugged as we all walked inside. "Hey, excuse me,"he smiled to an employee. "Our son booked some seats for us but,"

"It's nice in here. A little bit cold."I look around me. This arena is nothing compared to the one I watched my first game at. "Is this fog?"

"It will be gone soon."Kelly smiled. "So? Dad, where are we going?"


"Rinkside?"I frown following them.
So, Alex put us close to the glass. Three rows away from it actually which is nice because I'll be able to locate the puck easily.
When I watched hockey for the first time I didn't know where to look. I couldn't find the puck and I felt so lost.

"Yeah, go thirty three!!!" Kelly raised her voice as soon as the guys started skating down the rink. "Go Alex!"she cheered.

"May, go get a puck!"Pam looked at me. "You see these kids? Go ask for one"

"Uhm, no I'm good...let them have it"

"They have so many, come on."

"It's okay, maybe some other time. I don't feel like going..."I bite my bottom lip. I'm good here and I definitely don't want to ask for a puck from a dude. "Can you take a picture of me? I want a picture of Alex's number in front of the rink."I smile.

I face the rink so they can take a picture of my back and as I look around, I notice kids everywhere around the glass, asking for something from the players. Some others hold signs they made for their favorite players and a few photographers here and there.
It didn't take long for the first period to start after the warm up and same thing goes for the second period. Everything was happening so fast. I didn't realize it was the third period already. The score on the board was 3-2 and both teams were going crazy.

"Why did he do that? Why he broke his stick?"I ask Josh confused because one player of the visiting team broke one of our players stick. "Oh shit"I start biting my nail because the two started fighting.
Their punches are no joke. Their helmets flew off.
I don't know why it took the referee so long to interfere but when he finally did, he sent both players and whoever else involved in the 'box' for a few minutes as a punishment I guess?

"We need to score."Pam looked at the screen. "Six minutes left."

"What happens if we score and times up? It's a tight?"I ask once the game is paused because they have to shovel the ice. I found Alex drinking water on the bench and then noticed an other player skating across the rink lazily, shaking his head. He used his hand to wipe his mouth because he had some blood on it and then stopped in front of the plexiglass. He looked our way, hit the glass with his fist once and then pointed at us. That's not Alex, is it? He was there just now, drinking water. The player  hit his stick on the glass this time before pointing again, and then I saw a kid coming our way.

"What is he doing?"Kelly looked behind us and then at the guy not far from us . "Are you pointing at them?"she mouthed, pointing at some girls behind her.

"He said you better go there or else he'll come here."the little guy told us.

"Who, me?"Kelly frowned but the kid shook his head. "You"he pointed at me.

I looked at the man confused as he hit the glass without his glove this time. He took his helmet off, pushed his wet hair back and with a frown he said something again.

"What the hell?"I feel my heart beats increasing.

"Come here now."he seemed to mouth, annoyed obviously. I left my seat hesitant but went there as soon as I could because there was not much time left. They were almost done shoveling the ice.
As I walk closer I see him wipe his mouth again with his sleeve and notice some blood on his nose bridge. He really does fight when he plays...

"Matt?"I hear my self mumble in disbelief.

"Where did you go?"was all he said out of breath. He placed his hand on the glass and then pointed at me again.

The players were back on ice and an other guy skated towards us. It was Alex and you could tell he was as confused as I was . "Nice jersey May"he smiled as soon as I smiled at him, trying to hide the shock.
It was Matt right in front of me. After three months and after leaving without telling him. But why would I tell him? It's not like we're friends so no need to inform right?How did he even see me in the crowd. I don't know how I feel and how to react. What is this feeling? And since when is he this scary?

"Fuck this shit"Matt shook his head annoyed and skated away because they were told to go back to their positions.

"Bye"Alex smiled before the referee's whistle echoed in the arena signaling the start of the remaining game. I walked back to my seat, obviously getting glances from people around me but thankfully the game was more important to them than what happened just now. Kelly gave me a weird look and Josh smirked before he focuses on the game again. "That was Matt."I say, making the three of them look at me.

"The same Matt you met in Italy?"Pam raised her eyebrows.

"You didn't tell us he plays hockey?"

"I thought it wasn't a big deal. Almost everyone plays hockey here"I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah but not everyone is playing in NHL"Kelly shook her head."What did he say?"

"Fuck this shit?"I answer confused. "I didn't expect to see him again Kel"I say and everyone around us starts cheering because we scored.

"At least he's cute."she elbowed me, focusing on the game.
I really didn't expect to see him. That's one of the reasons I didn't tell Lily about meeting him at all. I knew she'd get excited for nothing and make it a big deal.

"There he is, there he is"Josh got off his seat before he starts screaming again. "YEAH! THATS MY BOY" he clapped his hands because Alex scored. 3-4 already?

"I'll go to the toilet before the game is over and everyone rushes to it."I inform Kelly as I'm getting up. "Want me to come with you?"she asks but I shake my head in denial. "I'm good, I'll be back."I say before leaving them behind.
It's only two minutes left after all. Then the game is over.

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