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"The fuck was that Isaiah?"I yell. He fucking broke my stick.  "Get your shit together."Isaiah said before throwing his gloves on ice and with that he started throwing punches. "Focus on the fucking game.What the hell keeps distracted?" was all he said before the others come separate us. "You okay?"Alex asked as I was heading to the box. I nodded without answering and took a seat on the bench. What the hell is she doing here? Is that really her? I take my gloves off and look at my wrist. The chain Rachel found on her seat that day, I'm still wearing it. I wanted to give it to her the next day after the wedding but she left. She didn't tell me when she leaves, nor we exchanged numbers. It's not that I care, I just got annoyed. She disappeared.

"Hey!"I hear someone yelling and look on my right. It was Isaiah again. I put my gloves on and as the door opened, I joined the game for a few seconds before the referee stops pauses the game for ice cleaners to enter the rink. God, I hope it ends soon.

"Hey!"I yell, skating to the glass, right in front of her. I have two minutes to get her attention. I wonder what her reaction will be as soon as she sees me. "May!"I yell but she's not looking. "Hey, you want a puck?"I ask a little dude and see him nod. "see that girl over there? With the black turtle neck under the jersey?"I say, making him look behind him. "Tell her she better comes here or else I'll go there."he does as I say and she finally looks at me. She didn't recognize me... "come here now."I mouth after taking off my helmet. Why is she not moving? I don't have much time left.

"So, you're telling me, you can't give me your phone number because you simply don't have a phone?"Isaiah rests his head on his hand, staring at May. He's drunk as fuck and he is also hitting on her. Not that I care. It's not like I told him about her either.

"Yes. I don't have a phone."She smiled, having some of her drink. Maybe that's why she never gave me hers. Because she doesn't have a stupid phone.
"I think you are lying."Isaiah leans close to her face.
"Too close."Alex came out of nowhere, making the two move back.

"He came closer."May chuckled. She's so red. Is she blushing or is it the alcohol?
"Couldn't help it."Isaiah smirked, asking for an other drink.
I see May getting up and I decided to follow her. She stopped and asked a random guy for the exit and after she got her answer she started walking towards it. She opened the door, walked out and sat down on the cold concrete. I can't believe she asked for directions in here too.

"Aaaahhh"she breathed looking up. It's freezing outside which made her hot breath visible. Is she not cold?
"There are no stars for you tonight May."I take a step to the front so I can be by her side.
"There are. We just can't see them yet."She looks at me with a frown. She's definitely drunk. "Look. The clouds are moving." She pointed to the sky. I wait for her to say something but no words come out of her mouth. I thought she'd have questions about what happened after that night.

"How's life in New York?" I sit down too.
"Don't like it."she plays with her fingers while looking up. How is her neck not hurting?
"Are you cold?"I ask, seeing her shake her head in denial. "You sure? Your fingers are red."I take my jacket off, placing it on her shoulders.
"Keep your jacket. Your hair is still wet."she finally looks at me, running her fingers through my hair. She pulled her hand back about to pass me the jacket but I stop her. I'll head inside soon anyways. "Why are you here?"her voice cracked.
"I came here because I have to give you something. Why are you here?"
"Silence is nice."she answered, making me smile. That was the exact same answer I gave her three months ago, when she asked why I wanted stay with her at the beach instead of going to the bachelor. "What do you want to give me?"she tilted her head, having her chin on her palm.

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