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"There's no way I'm jumping...it's so high"

"Come on May! It's so much fun!"

"Last time you said something was fun and I listened, I broke a leg Lily!"

"Trust me! Just close your eyes-"

And so,I jumped without breaking a leg. Actually, this time I-"Ouch."

"You are stupid"Lily shook her head disappointed. "Who jumps into the water like that?"

"It's so red"I closed my eyes in pain. It burns."Well, obviously" Lily rolled her eyes before she goes through her bag.

"Don't be sarcastic"

"How can I not? Here. Aloe..."she handed me her aloe bottle so I can put some on my skin. How the hell did I fall like that? " It will be like this for a few minutes if you're lucky. Today is not your day so...it might last longer"

"Oh shut up. It will be gone until we get to the hotel"I mumble before putting my sunglasses on.
"Did we get everything?"Lily checks our surroundings again.

"Yeah, let's go. I'm going to take a really cold shower"

"I'll take a nap. There's no way I'm staying awake for that long"Lily pushed her sunglasses a bit higher to her nose.

"The hotel is not even that far. You have plenty of time to sleep"

"But I need to get ready for the beach party tonight."

"Are you planning to do your hair and make up as if you're invited to the red carpet or..."

"I mean, it takes time to pick an outfit"

"Just put your bikini and shorts on"

"No, I need to look good. I might find the man of my dreams tonight"

"I hope you do"I rolled my eyes at my friend, and walk inside the hotel.
Oh, Italy. Your men made my best friend crazy. It's our fourth day here and she already made plans for the future.
I don't blame her. Italy is nice. Everyone has been nice so far and the food is great.

"So, at the lobby at ten?"Lily tilted her head before she enters the elevator."Sure...don't be late" I point at her before I lose sight of her for good.

It didn't take long for me to get on my floor. I found my room and got in, feeling exhausted and uncomfortable thanks to the stinging pain on my skin from the water. When I fell it felt like concrete.
I'm never jumping again.

From: Lily
Hey I think you got my room key. Can you bring it to the elevator

"Oh, come on Lily"I rolled my eyes because it's not the first time she does that.

To: Lily
Come to my door
Νο clothes

From: Lily
I know you're lying you lazy shit  I read and quickly took my clothes off, wrapping around my body a white towel that I found on bed.

I am not lazy. The sun made me feel sleepy.

"I swear to god May-" I heard my friend but she didn't have time to continue because I opened the door before she knocks on it. "You are the one who forgot to take her key"I raise my eyebrows.

"whatever. I'm going to my room."

"Text me when you start getting ready."

"Will do"she mumbled, walking away.
I closed the door of my room and after locking it, I removed the towel of my body and threw it on bed again. I then walked in the bathroom, wanting to fill the bathtub with some water,not so cold, but also not too warm, because it was a hot day and it wouldn't feel good, but of course everything would had to go wrong for me.

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