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The sound of water drops echoed in the quiet bathroom. May was in the bathtub which was filled with warm water and Matt was sitting on the floor, keeping an eye on her.
"Don't sleep."he said, making her lift her head up.
"I'm not."May started playing with the foam. "I'd let you hop in here but I'm very naked."she moved closer to where he was. "Do I really smell bad? The guy said I smell so good."she looked up at him.
"How did he know?"Matt asked quietly.
"He sniffed"She rests her head on the tub surround. "But not my hair so you're probably right."May brought some of her hair to her nose.
"Where did he sniff?"
"Here."the girl used her elbows to balance her body on the edge of the bathtub, so she could lean close to him. "You smell good too"she smiled before pulling back. Matt rubbed the spot Mays nose lightly brushed and quickly got up, taking a towel in his hand.
"Come on, you should go to bed."he unfolded the towel.
"I like it here."
"I have to leave May, someone puked on me and I have to go home to take shower."he looked away when she was about to get up. "I'm the one that smells bad now."
"Stinky"May wrapped the towel around her. "It's so cold."she ran to somewhere, leaving Matt in there alone.
He placed his hand underwater to drain the bathtub and when he picked her clothes up from the floor he walked out. May was coming out of her room now, wearing a large tshirt making the man smile. That's how he saw her the night of her birthday in Italy. And she was not drunk back then.
"How will you go home? Shirtless?"she took the clothes from him.
She went to a small room and threw them in the washing machine.
"I'll put my jacket on."
"It stinks. Your pants stink. Take it off."she leaned her body on the cold wall. "I'll wash them."
"It's okay May. It will take forever. I can do it home."
"I wouldn't get in my car like that."she walked to her room and back in less than a minute. "Put this on."she placed a tshirt on her couch. "This is the largest I have. And I don't have any pants that fit you but you can use a towel? My washing machine is fast. You can sleep here at night."
"You're drunk May. You won't remember any of these tomorrow and you'll hate me even more, thinking I took advantage of you."the man crossed his arms over his chest, walking towards the door.
"It's not like I asked you to have sex."she rolled her eyes. "And what if I'm drunk? If alcohol made me forget so easily, trust me, I'd be an alcoholic by now."she went to him, taking the car keys from his hand. "Also, I don't hate you,and I would never think you'd take advantage of me."she then placed them on her kitchen island.
"You can leave after you change clothes. I won't make you stay if you don't want to but I won't let you leave like that either. I'll find something for you."she walked away again.
"This doesn't feel right?"Matt mumbled to himself before he starts removing his pants. His shirt was already removed way earlier, when May puked on him before they reach her building and stayed shirtless since.
"Are you done?"she came back again with two pairs of basketball shorts in her hands.
"When will you go to bed? It's three already."Matt took the tshirt and one of the shorts with him, heading to the bathroom.
"After I throw your clothes in the washing machine."She raised her voice to be heard. "There are towels in the drawer under the sink."
"Thanks"he closed the door behind him and quickly stepped in the bathtub. It didn't take him long to do his hair and body, but he stayed under the shower longer. "I don't wanna go with you..."
"I'm a nice guy May."
"You're a dick" "A dick."he scoffed, closing his eyes again. "Hey,HEY!"Matt saw Isaiah rushing towards the bar and he knew something must have happened because Isaiah would never leave a girl he talks to for no reason. That was the moment he saw a man on May and the exact same moment his lost his shit. Matt opened his eyes and set the temperature of the water from warm to cold. The water stopped running finally as he stepped out of the bathtub. He dried his body using a towel he got from the drawer and got dressed with the clothes she gave him. He cleaned up the mess he made and after folding and leaving the towel on the side, he walked to the living room.
The lights were dimmed and the girl was on the couch, leaning half asleep on the folded blanket and pillow she got for him.
"I told you I'm not staying."he smiled softly, making her open her eyes slowly.
"These are for me."she lied with a frown on her face, while stretching her body. "I really need to buy bigger sized clothes ."her eyes fell on the shorts.
"Why? This is fine."he walked to the couch.
"What if a guy sleeps over? These are too small-"she stopped talking in surprise when the man picked her up, bridal style. "What are you doing?"
"Taking you to bed."
"I'm heavy"
"Yeah? How heavy?"
"Sixty two kilograms I think-"
"I weight a hundred and eighty pounds"
"Pounds? I thought you guys use el bee es."
"What is el bee es?"
"Don't ask me...now put me down.I like sleeping on the couch"
"I am sleeping on the couch tonight"He placed her on bed carefully. "You sleep here."
"You said you're not staying."
"I'm too drunk to drive."he lied.
"You're not."she laughed. "Do you play tomorrow?"
"I rest tomorrow."
"Heard you had a good rest today."she pulled the covers up to her chin.
"Isaiah has a big mouth."
"He was not the one to tell me."
"I don't snitch."
"You don't snitch the snitch?"
"Hmm."she smiled, "I feel so sick. I'm not drinking again."
"Your stomach hurts?"Matt placed his hand on her stomach. His thumb started drawing circles above the tshirt she was wearing until she stopped by grabbing it with her hand.
"This makes me wanna throw up."
"Don't lay on your back."he helped her lay on her side and brought the trash bucket she had near her desk, right next to her bed. "Call me if you need anything."he pulled the covers on her shoulders again.
"Good night May."
"Good night Matt."she said, drifting to sleep.

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