Getting beat up is fun, right? (6)

85 3 0

Level 5 reached

3 unnasigned stat points available

Skill selection available

At the time Kai got this notification, he was too excited to think straight, but Nonchalance kicked in, ruining the moment.

Kai decided he should wait for a better time to look through the skills... A time where Noelle is asleep. And that time is now.

Concentrating, Kai opened the skill selection. Once opened, he heard the voice without a body's  soothing tone enter his ears.

Congratulations on reaching level 5

Skill selection unlocked

Please select one of the three following skills

So I get to pick one skill...I guess its to be expected, but please...give me a good option.

Skills available:

[Light (common)]: Create light from your fingertips. Costs one Mana per minute

Kai's face dropped after looking at the skill.

S...seriously? How is that even a skill, it's useless, in what situation would that be useful?

Slightly panicking as he looked down at the next skill, Kai's eyes widened when he saw...

[Eye of the archer (common)]: Uses your Dexterity stat to add a bonus onto any arrows shot from your bow. 1 Dexterity equates to a .05% increase in damage

Another useless skill! My Dexterity is only four, meaning I would only get a .2% damage increase, useless!

After nearly giving up hope, Kai remembered there was still one possible skill left.

This skill was going to be the most incredible, amazing, heaven-defying skill their could be.

They always save the best for last...right?

Slowly, Kai's eyes moved down the floating screen, settling on the final skill available.

[Telepathy (common)]: Allows the user to establish a telepathic link with any sentient being, be it humanoid or creature. Cost of Mana is based on level difference. Sentient beings below your level cost 3 Mana per minute to uphold the link, and for every 5 levels above yourself the cost of upholding the link doubles.

This is it... Kai cried as he buried his head into his pillow. All the skills are useless, all my hard work was for nothing!

After a few minutes of grieving his aching bodies sacrifice, he sighed and picked the telepathy skill.

Maybe it will be useful in the future... Kai tried to console himself, but ultimately fails and fell asleep instead.


Waking up feeling refreshed...and slightly depressed, Kai got up and looked to where the tray would be, but saw Noelle training instead.

Watching her train was something Kai wanted to do for a while, but there is no way in hell he would just ask that, the woman is too scary!

It seems that over the last week and a half the cold hearted woman has warmed up to him slightly, Kai even noticed that she doesn't even get as agitated while he watches her train.

Or maybe she is just zoned out...  Kai thought, but he likes to think it's the first option.

Not wanting to disturb her training, Kai waited in bed for another twenty minutes before Noelle finally stopped training.

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