Here comes the boom (73)

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"Oh come on, won't you just apologise to Kai? Look at the poor guy, you think he has any experience of what a woman really thinks?"

Noelle remained silent. Since they set out to the Mother Tree, Sofia had been constantly trying to convince her to apologise.

In her heart, Noelle knew that it was her fault, but should she apologise? Kai was probably better off just leaving her alone. All the things he said when they fought were correct.

She was comparing him to all the people she knew previously. She had a prejudice against men after all. She hadn't even spoken to John, even though he talked to Sofia quite often. He seemed fine, but Noelle knew better than anyone that people often had a hidden side to them.

Even though she did hit him, it's not like she meant it in a bad way. What else was she meant to do? How are you meant to show someone you appreciate them. Her parents always said they loved her and would give her hugs, so is that what you're meant to do?

Noelle frowned slightly.

That didn't seem like the right thing to do in this situation. For some reason, she thought that saying 'I love you' to Kai would do more harm then good.

"He probably knows more than me. In case you've forgotten, I don't exactly know much either."

Sofia sighed and lightly pinched the brow of her nose.

"I know, and I'm sorry that you don't. But this could quite litteraly be the last chance for you to get some closure or to get over your fear."

Noelle close her mouth again. Sofia was right, in a sense. But apologising? The last time Noelle had apologised about something was over ten years ago. Honestly, she had no idea how to apologise, especially to someone like Kai.

But apologising didn't mean anything. She would still only continue to tolerate Kai. He was useful, that was all she would see him as.

Maybe, she didn't really know how she would view people yet.

The strange thing was that he was always seen hanging around with either Wa'rak, Failure or Aldred. What did they see in him? Last time Noelle saw him, he was lying on his ass when she hit him.

No, she would just continue to tolerate him. The same way she tolerated Sofia.

"Well I don't even know what to say? Am I meant to beg for his forgiveness or something?"

Sofia blinked, exasperation evident on her face.

"Who said anything about begging? All you have to do is say sorry. End of story, the end, done deal, capiche?"

Noelle blinked.

"So I just say sorry?"

Sofia let out an exhausted sigh.

"Is that not what I just said?"

Noelle threw a quick glare at Sofia. Why was she getting fed up with her? She's not that oblivious, is she?

"Well I'm sorry for not knowing that. Excuse me for spending basically the last eleven years trapped in a cell with no communication except for the one person who understood me who just so happens to also be dead."

Sofia inwardly groaned.

"Again, I'm sorry. But you can't let that hold you back. We have no idea what's going to happen from today onwards. I mean, what if he happen to meet someone with the power of that gray wolf but has the personality of Rashik or Mr Ganim? What's to stop them from trying to pull anything on you? Or even on me? How can we be sure we'll be safe after this is all over. Hell, even Kai or John or anyone could get fucked up by whatever comes after all this."

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