Nostalgia? I'm too young for that (71)

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It was time.

After three dreadful and torturous weeks in this horrible forest, the day had arrived. The fate of the forest and all the moon beasts within laid in the hands of Aldred and maybe Failure.

Aldred and the Demon's duel was going to happen soon, and all the other moon beasts and abominations were going to fight to the death while that happened.

There was going to be countless casualties, even human ones, throughout the day. Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, death waited for no one when there was a war. Anyone and everyone could fall victim to its brutal embrace.

Kai sat back against the pink tree that he slept under. The sleeping pills he asked Failure for were extremely helpful, even though he didn't think the charismatic man would actually have any.

Umbra returned at some point while he was passed out, the pitch-black wolf was sleeping soundly in his shadow.

He had spoken to her a bit when he had woken up, she even told him what her and Wa'rak did.

They played hide-and-seek.

One of possibly the strongest moon beasts in the forest, and Umbra, spent the night before a war playing hide-and-seek. It would have been strange if it was anyone else, but Kai could accept it because it was Umbra. She even said that Wa'rak enjoyed himself, but Kai wasn't sure if that was because of the game or because he was with Umbra.

Still, if they survived Kai would be more than happy to allow a second date.

War preparations were still going strong even when it was going to be happening inevitably. The beasts would have to leave The Dome to engage the abominations, so they discarded the idea of fortifying it. No, they were going on an all out offensive.

Kai watched all the beasts constant movements. There was no rest for the wicked, so the beasts worked even more than those evil abominations.

While the beasts may have been frantic in their preparations, Kai was calm with his. He had done all the major things he wanted to do in the buildup to the wad, so he mainly just reminisced. He had done a lot in his time in the forest. From taming a wolf to killing a weakened, unimaginable abomination in the bottom of a lake. He hadn't really had the chance to relax.

Even last night, which was meant to be a night of rest ended up with him saving a woman.

But did he really hate the time spent in this forest?

Absolutely not.

While he had almost died countless times, which was a thing he would nost certainly not like to happen again, but he knew his luck would not allow him that. made. He had made new friends, lost all the weight he had before this whole mess, basically started a new life and even met a god. If you told him he would have done any of that a month before The Flashing, he would have called you crazy.

But now it was him who could end up being the crazy one.

Sighing, Kai pushed himself off of the ground and set out with one goal in mind. If today was going to be his last day in The Dome, he was going to pay a visit to all the locations that had some sort of sentimental value.

First, he visited the waterfall. He finished shifting all his stats this morning. The task had taken much longer than Kai expected, but with each stat shifted, the time it took to shift the next one was slightly lessened. His mastery over his soul was slowly growing, but any progress is good progress.

Next, he visited the tree that he nearly died when he fell off it while climbing it. The fear of nearly hitting the ground still lingered in his mind, but as long as he had Wraith Mode he basically always had a get out of jail free card.

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