Wingman (62)

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Kai watched as humans and beasts alike made their way to the food filled table. There was countless varieties scattered along its length. Any food one could possibly want to eat was available, though they weren't exactly fancy.

There was nothing like a stir-fry or a piece of lasagne, but there were other things that could potentially be just as good.

Platters of fruit, cooked meat of unknown origin and even some candies which had caught Kai's eye.

Kai was lucky in a sense. If this were to happen a week ago he probably would have turned into his Lycan form and jumped over every one in the crowd to secure himself some of the candies and maybe a few apples and pieces of meat, but because of his dream meeting with The Ever-changing the sight didn't seem that appealing.

It's not that the foods Failure had on display were bad, it's just that the ones The Ever-changing had were much better. The godly beer that had helped Kai form a soul, the strange chicken meat that tasted better than anything back on Earth.

There was also other things he tried, but Kai would probably start drooling if he started remembering them.

But just because the sight was lacking for him didn't mean it was like that for everyone else. All the other humans in the crowd were trying much harder to reach the table than the moon beasts.

While the beast's were basically raised by the random scraps they foraged from the forest, humans were not.

Well, some were, just not the ones currently in the hall.

John had a look of hunger in his eyes as he tried to squeeze his massive body through gaps that were much to small for him. The sight of cooked meat must have been too much for the man, who knows when the last time he had some was?

It was strange, actually. Kai had not eaten any meat in at least two months other than in a dream, yet his body didn't start falling apart or breaking down like he expected it to. In fact, it seemed as if it was growing stronger by the day.

Well, if there's beer that can help me form a soul I'm sure there's something in that porridge which gives me all the nutrients I could possibly need.

Kai sighed as he watched everyone try to raid the table. If he were any more awake than he actually was he maybe would have tried to snag a few delicacies, but he was just too tired.

Looking around the spacious hall, Kai spotted a line of chairs against one of the walls. Shrugging, he figured he may as well take a seat and wait for the commotion to die down before even attempting to eat anything.

Umbra emerged from his shadow while he sat down, the pitch-black wolf resting her furry head on Kai's knee.

Kai smiled softly as he tenderly patted her head. It was a nice moment.

Except he was a bit surprised when he saw Wa'rak approaching him.

Wondering what the arrogant yet kind wolf could possibly want, Kai activated the telepathic link with him.

He also tried something different. Because of the much larger Mana pool he had, he could keep telepathic links up for much longer than previously. So why not try two at once?

While he activated one with Wa'rak, he also activated one with Umbra. He hoped that it wouldn't just be two separate links at once but instead one joint link where all three of them could talk.

Luckily, it worked.

"Well, brat, at least you're still alive"

Kai chuckled slightly. Another thing he had learned about the wolf other than him being gullible was that he was a bit of a tsundere.

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