Fireworks (75)

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As Kai reached the tree, he tensed his legs and jumped as high as he could. After reaching the highest place possible after the jump, he dug his claws into bark and started climbing.

He was gaining height at a monstrous speed, it would only be a few seconds before he would have to begin his plan.

But before he could do that, he had to make sure Wa'rak actually knew the plan. While they may have fought a lot together, Kai was still a little random when it came to plans.

Sadly, since they didn't have long before collieion, Kai could only say a few words.

"Sorry, I need the XP. Boost me."

Kai felt a small shiver run up his spine, as if someone was cursing him. Less than a second later, he got his response from Wa'rak in the form of a growl.

Down on the land below, everyone was shocked at the sight of a wolf and something that resembled a wolf darting up the side of two separate trees.

Even Failure could not tell what was about to happen.

"What's your plan, my dear Kai? Whatever it is, it's sure to be entertaining.

Hmm, should I step in?"

As Failure observed the sight, he pondered should he just kill the rest of the abominations incase whatever Kai and Wa'rak was about to attempt would go wrong.

"No no, I'm sure it will be fine."

Deciding against it, Failure just smiled as he got prepared to witness a miracle.

There wasn't much space between the falling abominations and Kai and Wa'rak anymore. The only problem being that while Kai and Wa'rak were climbing the trees, the abominations were falling in between them.

So they had to meet.

Letting out a growl of self-assurance, Kai kicked off the tree and soared through the air. It was a much less graceful sight when compared to Aldred, but what works works.

A split second after Kai, Wa'rak pushed himself away from the tree he was climbing.

"I can't believe I'm doing this."

Kai grinned as he heard the pitch-black wolf complain. Why should he complain though? He was probably a much higher level than Kai, what use is small amounts of XP to him?

Time seemed to pass in slow motion as the crowd below watched in awe as the two got closer and closer. Just as they were about to collide-


No, they were not going to collide. Before they could end up accidently hitting each other, Wa'rak angled himself downwards so he would start falling slightly quicker than Kai.

As Wa'rak angled himself, Kai pulled his legs up slightly and stood on the wolf's back. Not even a second later, Kai used Wa'rak as a springboard and flew towards the abominations.

Their plan was simple. They wouldn't have been able to reach the majority of the falling abominations from the trees, so they had to do it from the middle.

But if they did it from the middle, how would they get upwards?

So Kai used Wa'rak to propell himself forward so he could collide with the abominations.

Now, it may have been an incredibly stupid idea because of one tiny, minute detail Kai overlooked.

While one explosion didn't damage him that much, would dozens?

Well, there was only one way to find out.

Gritting his fangs, Kai squinted so he could still see through the wind wrapping around him. He was just about to collide with the first abomination, and that explosion would serve as a catalyst for all the other ones.

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