Into the tunnel (52)

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The abomination, about the size of a football with a dozen small tentacles popping out of it, didn't even have the chance to do anything before Wa'rak dashed forward and sank his terrifyingly sharp jaws into its squishy flesh.

I guess stage two is about to start.

Stage two, a plan created by Aldred, consisted of letting the abominations get right to the entrance of The Dome, then-


With a war cry from the ginormous gray wolf, all the moon beasts which were guarding the tunnel, charged towards the dark hollow.

With an all-out offensive, the moon beasts hoped to push the abominations all the way back to the forest. Once they reached the forest, the beasts hoped to be able to create a semi-circle formation and defend the tunnel entrance rather than be stuck inside of The Dome.

Wolves, boars, stags, monkeys, even the smaller moon beasts and advanced to the tunnel. Anything and everything that could slay an abomination would be used in the upcoming battle. There were no wounded as of yet, as any beast who had fallen was presumably dead in the depths of the tunnel.

That doesn't mean there won't be any now.

Almost instantly the next abomination latched its tentacles onto the boar at the front of the pack. The boar then smashed itself into the side of the cave wall. The strength at which it hit the wall absolutely crushed the small crescent moon abomination, but only created a few small chips on the boars mud armour.

If all the fights were one on one, the moons beasts could easily win.

Sadly, they were not.

To make up for a single dead abomination, even more would take its place.

Four fleshy footballs shoot out their tentacles, three wrapping around and tying up the boars exposed legs while the fourth aims for its head.

The boar tried to fight back, but being immobilised meant that it was open to the fourth abominations attack. It latched onto the boars head and drove its tentacles straight through the boars eyeballs.

The first beast of the final line had fallen.

That death was a sort of jump-start for the other beasts who were pushing the ghastly blobs back. Enraged, the beasts fought tooth, nail and any other limb they had for any piece of the tunnel they could reclaim.

It was heartbreaking.

This whole mess could have been prevented if Failure had just let the beasts pressure the abominations before they got in this far, now they were dying for nothing.

Whatever Failure was planning, even if it was for the greater good of the moon beasts, Kai didn't like it.

It felt wasteful. It was exactly like the wars back on Earth. The higher ups would willingly sacrifice their men as long as they can relax in the backlines.

But even if Failure was like that, Aldred was not.

Aldred was a symbol of strength and hope for the beasts. The ginormous gray wolf did not actively charge into the fray of the tunnel, but stayed slightly behind the pack.

Every few moments, a strange green light would eminate from the wolfs hide and the beasts in front of him would once again be filled with vigor and their wounds would heal.

So he was a healer all along...

Actually, it wasn't that surprising. Every time Kai went hunting with the full moon wolf, Aldred seemed to be incredibly strong, yet he lacked any sort of incredible ability.

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