Party rock is in the prison tonight (42)

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Having never drunk in his life before, Kai didn't really know what to expect when he picked up the glass. The glass glistened and Kai could feel the moisture seeping into his hand.

Slowly bringing his lips to the drink, he tipped the glass up and drank. The taste reminded Kai faintly of apples, yet it was much nicer than any apple you could ever find back on Earth.

"Hey... that's incredible." Kai exclaimed as he wiped the remnants of the drink from his lips with the back of his hand.

"I know, right." The Ever-changing grinned. "It's a specialty from a subdimension called the Malus empire. The way they came to be was a spaceship transporting agricultural goods must've been attacked, leading to the ship being destroyed. Some of the goods survived but were consumed by a Galaxy Eater.

The thing is, since the goods were so small they weren't digested properly in the Eater's ginormous stomach, hell, the stomach is many times the size of your home planet.
Anyways, once the Galaxy Eater completed its digestion, it released its waste into space. The only thing being that five completely normal apples came out unscathed, yet because they were in the stomach for so long they must have absorbed some of the Eater's energy.

With their newfound powers and sentience, the apples continued to grow and they soon built a prosperous empire where they focus solely on making goods to do with apples as they believe apples are the greatest consumable thing ever."

Kai stared at The Ever-changing blankly.

"Did you make that up?"

"Hm? Oh, no, that's all true. I used to be good friends with one of the Apple Lords, but that was before I was locked up."

Apple Lords...

Waving his hand dismissively, Kai brings the glass back to his lips and takes another sip, this one much larger than the last. The tantalisingly sweet drink floods his taste buds with the most glorious sensation he's ever felt.

Going to drink some more, Kai takes another gulp... But there's nothing there. Looking down at the empty glass, Kai feels his heart drop in despair.

"Uh... do you have anymore?"

The Ever-changing grins.

"Well of course, what party would it be with only one drink?"

Another can of the godly beer appeared on the table, this one different to the one Kai just had though. Frowning slightly, Kai lifts his head and is about to speak when The Ever-changing shuts him down.

"Just try it."

Inwardly sighing, Kai pours this new drink into his glass. This new one was a dark red colour, but looked amazing.

Swallowing, Kai brings the glass up to his lips and drinks the sweet drink. Once he's tasted the new beer, he sighs contently and says:

"Ahhh, cherry."

"Correct. This is the best thing about beer created by the agricultural factions. They taste incredible and still get you drunk. Honestly, back in my day the only way a God could get drunk was off the nectar of a soul tree, and that was too much effort for a measly amount of tree beer."

"Being a God sounds... interesting."

The Ever-changing sighed wistfully as they drink from their own glass.

"It definitely is, but it does get boring after a while, especially if you're trapped in a place like this."

Suddenly, The Ever-changing clicked their fingers and a wide array of foods and delicacies appeared on the table.

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